boy did i appreciate his dumba$$ interfering with what would have been the second out....that guy probably got his a$$ beat!!! they kept showing him on tv with security guards all around him!!! hell his picture is on the frontpage of my sports section in cola. sc!!! i bet he didn't want to go to work today!!
If I was sitting next to that guy I would of whooped his AZZ! What a tube steak this clown is. Kid or not man that is just not what u do. Someone needs to teach people how to attend sporting events these days.
I guarantee he catches a beat down from someone if the Cubs blow it.
i agree MC...if its the opposing team it's a different story...but your boys are about to make the world series!!!
No kidding man, what a tool. And that is a fat seat, how could someone there be so think. What a mess.
He should of did everyone a favor and sold that ticket for like $1000 and stayed the f*ck at home!