i got the total for tor/det at 171'. for record purposes what did everyone get it at? I saw that it closed at 172. what do you think mc..winah or push?????
You asking bout the line BlackJack or the final score of the game?
I was asking what total did you get for the det/tor game. I got 171 1/2. It was a winner for me. I just wanted to know what everyone else got. I was going to post "eagle's" record. Do I count it as a win or a push. I will go with the majority or what you tell me.....
Gotcha, just got up sorry. I didn't play the game last night night so I don't know. When I checked the line it was 172 though.
Call it a Push. Most closing lines were 172. When there is a doubt, it is best to go with the worst scenario. Keeps customers happy.