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well boys and girls due to a COMPLETE system failure due to one completely inempt TIME WARNER "ROADRUNNER" CABLE GUY we not only never got RR but lost our AOL all together!! we are now at 11:23pm est on friday nite now just getting our reception back to normal!! due to the fact that we promised to give our entire card away today we will now give both SATURDAY AND SUNDAYS entire card away!!!! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS E-MAIL US at the address below and get ALL OUR PLAYS FREE for both SATURDAY and SUNDAYS ACTION, CONFRENCE GOY'S,PLAYS OF THE DAY,ALL PLAYS,BOTH DAYS FOR FREE but you HAVE TO E-MAIL me as I will only send out the plays to those of you that want them AND HAVE NOT RECIEVED FREE PLAYS FROM US IN THE PAST!!! see how our e-mail system works for all our clients and get onboard this great weekend of winners!! HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU ALL and again we apologize for the disruption on the FREE GAMES but it was out of our control!!THANKS ARLI$$

[email protected]

Posted : March 1, 2002 11:52 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Nada. If he's able to get around, he will be here.


Posted : March 2, 2002 5:10 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Still no word...MC any idea what's up with arli$$?

Posted : March 3, 2002 2:56 am