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This was copied from another site...I already called Curt Weldon's office and they took my information. It only takes 2 minutes to call.

Protect your ability and right to gamble online. This week the US House of Representatives is voting on a bill, H.R. 556, the Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act, that is the first step in taking away those rights. Please help block this effort, there are enough of us to make a difference.
Please call and/or write your representative in the House of Representatives. Tell them you vote and you are opposed to H.R. 556. If possible, please have several of your friends do the same.
It’s best to call and write.
To call your representative, dial (202) 224-3121 and give them your zip code. When you reach your representative’s office, tell them the substance of the message below.
To write to your representative, simply go to this address:

Put in your zip code and follow the links. It is important to include your name and address. You can then cut and paste the following message into the provided area.
I don’t think the government should stick its nose into what forms of legitimate entertainment adults enjoy in the privacy of their own home.
It is a waste of taxpayer money and limited government resources with absolutely no benefit to the citizens of the United States. This is not how I want my government spending my hard earned tax dollars. Every dollar that would need to be spent enforcing this proposed law could be better spent elsewhere.
It is hypocritical of the federal government to try and prohibit selected forms of gambling while almost every state in the country condones and encourages its citizens to play other forms of gambling when the state gets a piece of the action.
I am offended that the sponsors of this bill have attempted to mix this activity in with terrorism and money laundering in order to help muster support through demagoguery.
Thank you for listening.
PLEASE VOTE NO ON H.R. 556 on Tuesday.

Posted : September 30, 2002 12:31 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

You beat me to this. I actually posted it in the Offshore Connection....

I can't stress to everyone how important this is. If you are a registered voter in the US then you MUST call and e-mail if you want to preserve your right to wager online. It really does take 2 minutes. If you can't get through on the phone then e-mail first and try and call later.

The vote is tomorrow. If you don't do anything else all year, call and e-mail today!


Posted : September 30, 2002 12:43 pm