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Marty is Out, Boo-Ya!!!

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Press conference at 3:30. Look for Mariucci to come to the D. Football in Motown is lookin up.


Posted : January 27, 2003 3:56 pm
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Posted : January 27, 2003 6:37 pm
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Can you say elderly? That guy is useless now even if we could get him back. Mariucci will be able to get some picks and people that would want to play for him through free agency. Super Bowl next year? Not a chance, but I have a very good suspicion that we will at least be a.500 football team next year which would be like winning the SB for Lions fans!


Posted : January 27, 2003 6:55 pm
Posts: 3037
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Posted : January 27, 2003 7:14 pm
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MC...I thought you liked Marty...

Posted : January 27, 2003 9:03 pm
Posts: 1831
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Are they going to show Matt Millen the door as well ?

Posted : January 27, 2003 9:12 pm
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He was a cool personality and all but he was not the greatest coach. For someone shitty as a replacement I would be sad to see him go but I think that we have a way better chance at all aspects of development with a more experienced coach.

We have never had a big name around here. Probably the biggest was Bobby Ross and even he was a virtual nobody. People know Mariucci and the kind of coach he is. This will cause good players to want to come here. it kinda hides the fact the team sucks. Better to have a good coach and a bad team then bad coach, and bad team.

I also think Millen should go. He comes off as too arrogant and I think that he is impeeding progress more then facilitating it.


Posted : January 28, 2003 1:12 am
Posts: 1831
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1. Does Mariucci have ties to Mich ? I know his buddy Izzo is in E. Lansing. I s that close to Det ?

2. Who was the big,ethnic looking guy who coached the Lions a while back ?I can't remember his name but it seemed like he did a good job.

3. Steve will make a difference as long as the fans are patient. Greg Williams is doing a great job here with the Bills. 8-8 this year was a big accomplishment and the future and salary cap situation are looking good. It will be doubtful whether they can keep Price and Moulds both, Price will gobut the offense is good and the defense is improving. Most important is that the players have bought into Gregg's system and have responded with a great effort. I'm sure that given a little time and patience from the fans and the press that the same thing will happen in Det.When SF kept Walsh on as a consultant Mariucci's days were numbered. Walsh ought to get his old ass out of there and let the team move forward.

Posted : January 28, 2003 9:17 am
Posts: 1831
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I forgot to mention that a bunch of us took our kids to the Lions - Bills game in Buff this past season and came away thinking that the Lions weren't that bad.They sure have faithful fans.........we were right in the middle of about 200 rabid Lions fans that drove to Buff for the game. Really nice people that we ended up partying with in the parking lot after the game. My kids had a blast with the good natured banter that goes on between opposing fans during a game.I think a realistic progression for the Lions would be something like 6-10 next year, then 8-8 and then onward and upward,

Posted : January 28, 2003 9:28 am
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Mariucci is from Iron Mountain, him and Izzo both. They went to the same school and Mariucci was a QB at Northern.

The lions weren't terrible last year, but the fact is that how they were last year was probably as good as they were gonna get under marty unless there was a big influx of talent which millen doesn't seem to worried about bringing here. The heart on the team is amazing but without some more decent supporting players we have reached our ceiling.

One thing the lions are terrible at is developing talent. How man teams out there have the same or more no name people that are solid football players. We draft people expecting them to be at their potential and to just go out there and win. And then when we don't we basically run them into the ground. I have seen that over the years and the only thing I can attribute it to is the ownership because that is the constant. If we spent more time developing mediocre players then we could have a nice squad out there.

Mariucci will be the savior if he comes here. He is a bigger, more experienced name. Hometown guy that will bring a higher level to the city. Because of who he is and what he has done around here people will be more accommodating to his plight. I think that .500 is not out of the question next year. If Mariucci does come here for sure I wouldn't be against a little wager on his performance if anyone was interested

Posted : January 28, 2003 11:31 am