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3 Posts
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Posts: 462
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The extra post was not an intention
of bashing, simply late-nite fun.
But looking at it this morn. I can see
where it could be taken wrong.
I'm Sorry to anybody concerned!
I like to think that i've become a
small part of this forum, and would
not do anything to hurt it or anything
it stands for!
Sorry, Falcon
Sorry, Chris
Sorry MC
on and on
Trap [Frown]

Posted : May 5, 2002 10:15 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Not sure what you are talking about Trap. I just got on and this was the first post I read as it was directed specifically to me.

I doubt that it is as bad as you think it is. However an apology is a very nice thing to offer regardless of what was said. But my advice to you is that if you really feel bad about it simply delete the post you made and leave the apology in it's place.

I will look at what was posted after I went to bed and see what is going on.


Posted : May 5, 2002 10:38 am
Posts: 462
Prominent Member
Topic starter

Cash, the apology was directed to
you, because I did'nt even look to
see whose reply I was reading,
thought it would be yours because
this is your show.
Like I said it was not an intended
bashing, when I lose big, I take a bath
(no fun or pun intended) we all know
thats gamblers slang, or termionology.
once again I'm SORRY it was taken
the wrong way.

Posted : May 5, 2002 11:30 am