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Meet Your New Moderator....

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Drum Roll.......


He has done a great job over the last couple weeks without even being asked. He's brought in tons of info for you guys and is dedicated to the site.

Thanks to all of you that e-mailed me in regards to the Moderator slot. But it's more then just cracking heads and watching out for goof balls. As we grow we will need more Moderators, so don't think that you won't get a shot again!

On a side now, with T-Bone and Boxer in the mix, I am gonna be taking a little break to do a little more behind the scenes stuff. I will still be here everyday and reading all your posts, I just want to get some new stuff going and see how things run without me having my thumb over it.

Again, Congrats to T-Bone, I think he will be a great fit to the Family. Please join me in welcoming him!


Posted : September 24, 2002 9:20 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

T-BONE congrats bro.i will be the 1st to take you out for a,if you ever get to jersey.

Posted : September 24, 2002 9:25 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

T-Bone,Congratulations!! I know you will bring to the site a helpfulness that we all appreciate. From the PM's I've received from you, I know you will take the extra step to help out the members....and by extention THE SITE. Good Choice Mr. Cash!!!

Posted : September 24, 2002 9:31 pm
Posts: 197
Reputable Member

Congratulations on your new position.Hopefully you can take care of some of rift-raft that has been coming through these parts lately.Good Luck on the capping! I love The Eagles play!

Good Luck
Go Eagles 13-3!
*Making Bookies Weep Nationwide

Posted : September 25, 2002 12:15 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Way to go T-Bone!! Keep it real and lets' bust the Books' sorry a$$es!!!!!!!!

Posted : September 25, 2002 12:36 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

also T-Bone if you have any questions about anything in the moderator world just give me a shout

Posted : September 25, 2002 1:27 am
Posts: 382
Honorable Member

Congrats on your new job. Hope it pays well. LOL.

Posted : September 25, 2002 12:39 pm