In some cases, life does mimic art!! Mr. Nice is a living example of the 1970's cult classic, "Life in the Fast Lane." He lives such a fast life, that he doesn't even stop to pay the tolls!! A six dime week and counting!! I think that you should throw some money mcash's way to support this site, LOL!!! Beers on you tonight, Mr. Nice!!
come on now Tripper, six dime weeks are commonplace around here. Talk about life in the fast lane, that nickel a day habit you have isn't so healthy either. I mean hell, everytime I see you out your nose looks like the rim of a margarita glass. Slow down buddy, life's too short.
That's real funny, a-hole!! I won't stoop to your level!! I don't care if your joking, some people might get the wrong idea!!
Mr. Nice-
You are wright life is too short.But if some people can handle the habit why not do it?That stuff just adds a little more excitement each day.It's sort of like putting 2 dimes on a football game.I know Tripper is not getting high every night at The Tower like Marty and Jerry seem to do.Give Tripper a break!lol.
Good Luck!
Go Eagles 13-3!
*Making Bookies Weep Nationwide!
First of all, learn how to spell "wright." Secondly, was that you on the sideline of the Eagles/Cowboys game as a guest of the Make A Wish foundation,LOL!!!
I thought that was him!!