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Next Weeks Contest...PLEASE READ

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First off, let me say that I am glad to see that everyone had a good time last week for the first contest. I honestly thought that we were never going to get any kind of contest off the ground here. Now with one under our belt the sky is the limit.

The new contest is going to be called Mountain of Ca$h. Winner will be King of the Mountain. I kinda stole that from somewhere else but it sounds sweet so fu*k it.

Now... we have some choices as to how to proceed. I still have free accounts left to pass out at . However, to those of you that won last week if you were to win again you would not be able to take advantage of a $25 re-up on your free account. So, these are the choices...

A) We can play for actual money. Like the other contest I was trying to do, we decide on an entry fee and then create a 50-30-20 prize structure. "I won't be pinching 5% on something small like this."

B) We play for just the free accounts and those that have already won forfeit a prize for nothing more then bragging rights.

Up to you guys. I am more then happy to run it however you like. Most votes for A or B decides.

Contest will be a week long and will be percentage based. Best % wins and so on. There will be no minimum per day but by the end of the week you will of had to compile a total of 25 selections. You can pick 25 in one day or mix it up however you like. We will only be using B-ball, no Hockey or Bases yet. Maybe next contest.

Any questions, post them here or email me. As soon as you decide on a format we can get started. Like I said before, your site=your contests...


Posted : March 25, 2002 12:01 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Cash i think we should play for actual money
(A) price doesnt matter to me.let me know if you want me to do the records's no bother for me...

Posted : March 25, 2002 12:13 am
Posts: 105
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Posted : March 25, 2002 12:47 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

i vote for....well...lets see it doesnt matter
i'm done picking games after this week fellas...good luck to all...i'm wiped out. i lost it all. been great talking to everyone...will still check in every now and then.
best of luck to all....take all their money

Posted : March 25, 2002 1:46 am
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New Member Guest

(A) sounds good to me. Just let me know how much and how to send it. Thanks

Posted : March 25, 2002 8:52 am
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Looks like everyone is fond of A. I will wait till the end of the day and we can see how many others we get that are interested because I don't want to fool around with sending money unless we are gonna have a decent turn-out. So if you know of anyone either personally or on the web that wants to get in on this let them know.

We aslo need to come up with an entry fee. Debate it among yourselves...


Posted : March 25, 2002 11:48 am
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New Member Guest

mc is that exactly 25 picks or minimum of 25 ? exactly 25 would be most wins and minimum 25 would be % correct? i'm in !

Posted : March 26, 2002 2:25 am
Posts: 7610
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I was thinking 25 total and make it best % wins. If you don't pick 25 then each one you miss counts as a loss. That way everyone has the same number of picks and it is easier to do the %.

Up to you guys though, I just think that anymore then 25 in a week is gonna be kinda hard with NCAA almost over. That kinda traps you into games you may not like just to get to your number. It's easier to do the % too if everyone picks the same number. Like I said though, up to you.


Posted : March 26, 2002 2:41 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

25 picks is great. hopefully we can get at least 10 cappers. thanks POPS

Posted : March 26, 2002 2:53 am