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This week I will try to bounce back from last weeks dismal performance.This tournament is being played at Quail Hollow which is near Charlotte. This course used to host the Kemper a number of years ago. Tour vets and ACC college players will have some experience with this course.These are the head to head matchups that I played for this weekend.

PGA 2003 record is 54-40-6 +1125

Jay Haas +115 vs Fred Couples

Jeff Sluman -105 vs Stewart Appleby

Davis Love III -130 vs Vijay Singh

Jeff Maggert -115 vs Kevin Sutherland

Stewart Cink -110 vs Justin Leonard

Posted : May 7, 2003 8:10 am
Posts: 231
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Heres my 1st round picks

D Love -120 def Singh
Couples -160 def Funk
Cink -120 def J leonard

Tourney picks

Price -145 def Leonerd
Couples -145 def J Haas
Ames -108 def Kendall

Guess we dissagree on the Haas/Couples play one of us will win.
I like the Cink def Leonard play going to add that to my card Good Luck F/L

Posted : May 8, 2003 8:48 am
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The past few times we've disagreed on Fred you have been right and I have been wrong. I took Haas because he is a member at this course, his son is entered in this tournament which may provide some extra motivation, and Fred already got the big win he was looking for.

Posted : May 8, 2003 1:35 pm
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Maybe if I lose again I'll stop betting against Fred Couples.
This is where we stand after the cut: bet, Sluman did not start
Maggert L missed cut
Haas.... 5 down to Couples
Love III....tied with Singh
Cink.... 1 up on Leonard

I couldn't find any value in the matchups that were posted Sat AM. Will check again on Sun AM.

Posted : May 10, 2003 8:14 am
Posts: 1831
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Hey Higg,

Maybe you should be the new golf guru at You sure are kicking my ass lately.

Posted : May 10, 2003 8:17 am
Posts: 231
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I have been rideing a good player with Freddie C lately. Also like the way Price has been playing lately.
I have no plays today the wind is realy messing with these guys and its interferring with the scores. FL your still up and you are the guru.

Posted : May 10, 2003 11:36 am