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POD Contest Idea Please Read

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Over the last couple months I have backed away from doing too much with the POD because of all the (for lack of a better word) free loaders. I feel kinda bad because of it but at the same time I was tired of all the outsiders coming in here and taking away from you guys and not contributing anything.

While I was down in CR Dalton expressed interest in doing some contests with us. He basically said anything, anytime, any amount he just wants people to have to deposit to claim their prize. Him and I have the same thoughts on the free loaders.

So, what about this for the POD....

Everyone that wants to play deposits $100 into one of their Books or Casinos. That $100 will be your "entry fee" to the POD for 12-Months. Then I would pay out $100 to the winner every month. You can win however many times and all that. As long as you pay the entry fee you are in and you are guaranteed to get a prize every month.

Anyway, let me know. I am fine with leaving it the way it is currently because people seem to enjoy it. But I would rather give those the money that are here every day then those that just come and hit the contests and leave.

Also, if anyone else has any contest ideas let me know. Like I said, Dalton will put up whatever, he just asks that whoever wins the prize post up some of their own money to claim it. Pretty solid deal so if someone has an idea for football or whatever we should start throwing it around now.


Posted : June 19, 2003 10:00 am
Posts: 368
Reputable Member

I'm supportive of the "post up to claim your prize" idea. It's the only real good compromise between the players and the books.

Requiring post up prior will guarantee a chance at funds for the book, but likely lower the number of participants.

Requiring a post-up by the winners to claim their prizes after the contest is completed will increase participants, but likely lower the guaranteed funds to the book.

Both options will decrease the number of freeloaders.

Either option is better for the books, and both are reasonable.

Posted : June 19, 2003 12:15 pm
Posts: 2133
Famed Member

I agree with nljuice. Either would work, but either you risk the low entries if you put-up first or the lack of deposits if you have to put-up to collect.

I'm on board either way.

Posted : June 19, 2003 1:54 pm
Posts: 4159
Illustrious Member

Entries up front, and cash paid to the winners baby! I play every game I post here, and I play all games with offshore shops.

Why would anyone have a problem supporting the businesses that help give us this great forum? Unless you're a "free-loader".

Posted : June 19, 2003 2:05 pm
Posts: 7610
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Who else is gonna step up and give me some feedback?????

As it sits right now after some talks with the sponsors it looks like they are more interested in doing a post to get paid setup as opposed to an entry fee based system.


Posted : June 20, 2003 10:34 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

As you know I enjoy the services of my local books. But whatever you decide on the contests is fine by me. I am here for the information and interaction with other gamblers. I will continue to support your site and contibute information whenever I can. I am currently using Boxers services and enjoying his picks and way of doing business. Never used a service before and only thru this site would I have trusted him enough to try it. Good luck with your whatever you decide.

Posted : June 20, 2003 9:18 pm
Posts: 7610
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Thanks Redbirds. I appreicate the kind words and the support. You know I love having all you regular guys here.

I also know there are still a few like you that are content with the local guy. Unfortunately these days cats like you are the exception and not the rule. Not everyone goes to the extent I do and line shop and so forth but I am pretty confident saying that probably almost everyone here has at least one online out.

It sucks because I don't want to take anything away from a guy like you but at the same time your local guy isn't paying me any money to buy you guys cool stuff to use

I'm sure everything will work itself out. And maybe if you win and I offer you a $200 deposit to get $1000 you may be pursuaded to give online wagering a try.

Either way I just want to let you know I didn't forget about you and guys like you and I appreciate the feedback and support!


Posted : June 21, 2003 1:34 pm
Posts: 1064
Noble Member

whatever you decide works for me boss...another account doesn't bother me...just one more place i can hope for a better line on a game...just let me know when and where i need to make a deposit!!!!

Posted : June 23, 2003 11:05 am