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Prizes For Elimination Contest....

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Couldn't get the final prize that I wanted to get for you guys so it's only gonna be top three that get prizes. However, everyone that participates gets a Free Doc's Sports Schedule book if you want one. If interested please email me your address. [email protected] . You will get it in about 2-3 weeks cause I'm not picking them up till next week when I got to Vegas. Anyway, here we go....

1st Place- will be getting Ben Burns Football Service. A $500 value. Ben is top-notch in Football and this prize could win you a lot of money this year. Thanks to Ben for the generosity.

2nd place- will be getting $75 cash with a special bonus offer.

3rd place- will be getting a $50 betting account from a Sponsor Book, also with a special offer.

Pops, cut and paste that part with your posts everyday so people know what they are playing for.

Best of luck to everyone!


Posted : August 3, 2002 2:03 pm