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Question for MC...

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All right, I'm ready to go to an offshore book! I'm gonna start by depositing $1,000. I'm leaning towards Bet365 as they have a 15% bonus and no bank charges for deposits over 300. How do I go about signing up - I'm going through Western union and I want your site to get credit for the referral. Also, is there software I have to download or do I just go through the their site? I'm going to do this today so I can get on games tonight (hopefully i can do that). Appreciate the help MC [Smile] .

Posted : July 1, 2002 3:17 pm
Posts: 7610
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Man we are just coverting everyone! Either that or boxers plays are getting you all booted from the local guy. lol

Anyway, I do not think that Bet365 takes western union, I know that Sports Interaction doesn't either. If that is your desired method then I suggest MVP or V-Wager. They give you 10% in bonuses and then 10% in re-ups. I also think that Bet3655 is on the inital deposit only. And I know that you said you have $1000 to start with but if you want want a sports pager too, deposit $1500 at V-Wager and they will send you one just like Boxer and I have for free for a year. Also, I know that they both accept WU.

Let me know if you are stuck on Western Union. We can go from there. It's not gonna be a problem getting you ready to roll for tonights games! Once you decide the route to take sign up takes like 20 minutes tops!


Posted : July 1, 2002 3:32 pm
Posts: 647
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I would have had at least 1,500 to put in but I just had a crappy week. If not western union, how does paypal work? I do not have a credit card to use, just cash. Also, hasn't mvp and v-wager only been around for a short time? That I don't trust as much as someone more established. Or have you been using them for a long time? Hearing about all these closing horror stories and stories about not getting paid kinda freak me out!

Posted : July 1, 2002 3:40 pm
Posts: 7610
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PayPal will not work with a credit card anyway so you are good with that. Basically you set it up and it takes money out of your bank account. So if you have money in the bank you can send it using PayPal.

If you are leaning more towards Bet365 then send an email to and ask about Western Union.

MVP and V-Wager are part of a group of 4 total books. Very solid and very well established. Located in C.R. but the owner is an American and very cool. I play there and experience no problems and have no worries. They wouldn't be up if I did. With W.U., I think that one of those are your best bet. The $1500 doesn't really matter, you still get the bonus, I was just saying if you had the money the pager is a nice promo. Plus 10% over the lifetime of your play is better then a 15% one time shot.

Let me know where your leaning and I will get you rollin...


Posted : July 1, 2002 3:45 pm
Posts: 647
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I'm going to go with v-wager - they got the hottest chick on their homepage. That did it for me! I trust your judgement on their reliability. The one thing is i plan on using their 10% bonus on deposits only once <img border="0" title="" alt="" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> !

Posted : July 1, 2002 3:52 pm
Posts: 7610
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Lol. I hope that you only have to deposit once! [Wink]

Their sign-up is fairly simple, but if you get stuck just holler. I will be here. Also if you are on AOL my IM name is CapprsNetwrk


P.S. Once you get all setup report back and tell everyone how you like it! I think they are pretty cool myself. Payouts are fast too!

Posted : July 1, 2002 4:01 pm
Posts: 647
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I just went through their guest practice run and have to admit it is pretty simple! One question, do they automatically do the math for you? I only ask because if i use something like $25 a star (like on Boxer's pick), i would enter 75 bucks for a 3 star play. i would have no idea what that would come out to if I lost on a -155 game.

P.S. The hot chick was on MVP - my bad. I might have to switch just for that reason!

Posted : July 1, 2002 4:06 pm
Posts: 7610
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They have like a whole section with girls in it I think. Check it out!

At MVP they work on both systems. To risk on + moneylines and to win on - moneylines.

On a +155 moneyline you would just bet $100 a star on a 3 star play to win 465. But on a -155 moneyline you would need to put up to 465 to win the 300 using the stars. Hope this helps. If I am confusing you let me know and I have another way I can show you.


Posted : July 1, 2002 4:23 pm
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bftm most places tell you before you confirm the bet.if you were to bet 75$ it would say risking $$ to win $$ then you would confirm the play

Posted : July 1, 2002 4:30 pm
Posts: 647
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I understand the bets, I don't understand how to compute uneven amounts. If a game is LA -155, I know I risk 155 to win 100, and if the game loses I lose 155. But if the amount I want to win is 75 (a 3 star play and I'm playing 25 a star) and i lose, how much would lose? That's the part I don't get - how to compute it. I don't know if I properly explained my question. My brain hurts!

Posted : July 1, 2002 4:48 pm
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I got it now. I went to MVP and into the guest betting area. I put a wager in for Florida -155, but in the space i put $75 to win. After i was done, it came back with a confirmation part, and it said "risking $117 to win $75". So it does the computations for you! That's what i needed to see. Thanks guys for your patience [Smile] !

Posted : July 1, 2002 4:55 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Here is an easy way to do easy amounts based on $25. Take 155 and divide it by 4. You get $38.75. If you wanna bet $75 then you would have to bet $116.25 to win $75.

This help? I think that is what you just asked...


Posted : July 1, 2002 4:56 pm
Posts: 647
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Yeah, I finally saw that- thanks again!

Posted : July 1, 2002 4:57 pm
Posts: 67
Estimable Member

hey bftm
i've been using MVP for awhile now, they have been pretty good. have not have any problem. annd i agree with u that chick is hot. [Wink]

Posted : July 1, 2002 7:15 pm
Posts: 647
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That's cool! How are they with their payouts? Do they pay the western union fee, or do you get a check sent or something else?

Posted : July 1, 2002 7:21 pm
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