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Should we give W. KTY. 1 more chance?

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Posted : March 5, 2002 4:24 pm
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I don't know about W.KY. Boxer, I really like Laffayette in this situation.Didn't W.KY. have a 15 pt. at the half last night?They have to be somewhat emotionally drained, not to mention the number is up to 8 and I think the public is putting a little too much confidence in them. I look for this number to possibly go back down to 6.5 before game time.I think 8 pts. is way too many.Laffeyette may be the right side in this one...

Posted : March 5, 2002 4:38 pm
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look for western to win by 11-13
good luck all

Posted : March 5, 2002 6:20 pm
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im with u socratesyear

Posted : March 5, 2002 6:23 pm
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OK, hear me out on the WKY pick tonight. Yes, i go to school here, but that has nothing to do with this pick...i loved NMST last night...actually predicted a loss and if it wasn't for the Freshman guard i spoke so highly of, it would have ended just as i expected. They have not beaten one team bad in the tourney yet. We played Lafayette at home earlier in the year and only beat them by 1 point...the line is 8. It seems like the oddsmakers are forcing you to pick Lafayette. As always, I go against where they want me to play. And here, it is WKU - 8 and lovin it!!

Posted : March 5, 2002 6:29 pm
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they fu**ed me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted : March 6, 2002 12:23 am