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Sh*t Talkers and Bashers, A Challenge Inside...

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Posts: 7610
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I am SO tired of people coming in here talking sh*t about Boxer or whoever else. It's really getting old. And I noticed that all they do is bash, never pick anything of their own. So, here is what I am gonna do....

A challenge for those that bash and those that are bashed against. If you can't keep your comments to good natured disagreements then this is what you have to do to keep from getting banned.

Put your money where your mouth is. If I see anymore bashing then I will post a challenge for you and the person you are bashing. If you want to stay then you will be required to put up $50 to engage the person you think sucks in a battle of picks (complete rules will accompany the first challenge). Your best against their best.

Winner gets $50. If the basher wins he gets my $50 and gets to stay with his/her opinions, if the bashee wins he gets the sh*t talkers $50 and knows that the disease is gone from the board and walks away $50 richer. Sh*t talkers, you better have PayPal cause this is how you are gonna have to send me your $50 to hold.

Maybe this will weed out the riff-raff.


Posted : September 2, 2002 10:36 am
Posts: 246
Reputable Member

If the sh*t talkers lose their 50 then they will only reregister under another name and come back twice as hard.
The only solution is for no one to respond as this is beyond a personal difference of opinion and amounts to a cry for attention. When unacceptable comments are made the thread should be locked and removed as soon as possible. No one should respond positively or negatively and they will eventually tire. Initially those select few will answer their own posts and try and appear as if their numbers are significant but eventually they will tire. Pay service promotion whether by the capper or his buddies should be restricted to the appropriate areas and discussion boards. Boards must be for the free exchange of ideas and differences of opinion must be allowed but only when done in a civilized and responsible fashion. A challenge contest only validates their existance and provides a platform for their behaviour. A good month by a capper does not make him an authourity, a bad month does not make his opinion worthless. Besides, if you think these few are obnoxious now, imagine them with a win under their belt. Only one opinion and comments are welcome.

Posted : September 2, 2002 1:49 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator
Topic starter

If I see one person put up $50 just to run their mouth, I will be surprised. I am doing this more to be fair then give them an avenue to act up.

This way they have the opportunity to back up what they are saying and if they choose not to, then I can boot them without looking like a censoring prick.

We will try the immediately locking idea too. If it isn't allowed to be addressed at all, perhaps you are right and it will go away.


Posted : September 2, 2002 2:19 pm