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Sh*T Talking and This Forum*Please Read*

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Listen, today was the first day that any of us really went at each other and I think we all know who they are. I hate to have to even bring this up but I have gotten a couple comments directed my way about this. So here we go...

This is my site in name only. You guys determine what goes and what stays and what you like and dislike. So consider me a visitor.

I will not however tolerate this site/board ever turning into a wagertalk EVER. Is that to say that I won't let people have fun off one another? No.

As long as it is good hearted and in the spirit of competition I will allow it. I will never ban anyone or edit anyones post unless something way out of line is mentioned.

I want this to be a place where you can express yourself freely and share information with others that have the same interests and something vaild to contribute.

I myself like some good ribbing as you all have seen with me an Oopie from time to time. That has actually carried over here from another board where we are both members at.

Bottom line is I want to hear everyone's thoughts on the matter. I don't want anyone uncomfortable or not want to come here because of the joking and insults.

Please know that I do all this for everyone and if I ever thought that it was getting out of hand or wasn't just joking around anymore then I would stop it. But I don't think that is the case currently.

So please everyone try to contribute your thoughts to this thread. If you don't want to do that for whatever reason you can share your comments with me via email and know that they will be held in confidence. [email protected]


Posted : March 22, 2002 9:11 pm
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New Member Guest

I thought that it was funny at first but now it is getting to be just a little too much. I think it is fun poking at each other but guys we are here to get good plays and information. Lets keep it fun but most importantly lets give everyone great info.

just my thoughts for what it is worth?

so f@#$ off guys......just joking...ha ha good luck tonight as always

Posted : March 22, 2002 9:18 pm
Posts: 44
Trusted Member

MC, you know how I feel. I come to sites like this one for good, solid information that may give me an edge picking winners. I take gambling seriously and it is my "second job." So, coming here to see all trash talk is not helping any.

As you said, some ribbing once in a while is fine, but look at the recent posts. It is too much.

Let's help each other out with good information.

Posted : March 22, 2002 9:19 pm
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cash everything i do or write is in the joking matter.i want everyone to know that this is not serious talk ,just having fun.
i want everyone to enjoy this forum its great and i dont want to upset people.i thought by trash talking it would get you guys laughing...

boxer have fun guys,as for u hizz-shit,put a couple more blankets on its cold out there.

Posted : March 22, 2002 9:20 pm
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MC as you already know oopie and I were just having fun with boxer, it was a planned event and I was having fun. As many of you know, and for those of you that don't I'm a moderator at one of the biggest gambling sites on the net and maintain a very straight personality and I also run a pretty tight ship with the exception of Michael and oopie. So I will try to keep boxer pussy and myself on one thread so not to offend anyone and their puritian beliefs. LOL

Posted : March 22, 2002 9:36 pm
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i think it is fun Boxer I just did not know how serious you guys were getting. I just did not want it to come to every post being you guys cussing each other out. If that was going to be the case I want in!! just kidding. by the way it is time for me to take control of the contest and leave you ass holes in my dust. see ya later and good luck

Posted : March 22, 2002 9:37 pm
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Mr. Cash,
This is a great forum and let's keep it that way. Trash talk is ok as long as it doesn't get out of control. We all have a way to post personal messages to one another. If you really want to get down and dirty do it where we all don't have to read it. I respect Boxer and know this is all fun. But lets just keep it to a minimum. I think hizz should post his thoughts. OUT.


Posted : March 22, 2002 9:46 pm
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I agree to a certain extent about today. Not so much about the content but more to the tone of the frequency of places it could be found.

I think that it is good for everyone to joke around with each other and what not, but I do feel that it should be contained in some fashion.

Does that mean that I should dedicate a whole thread to shit talking? Probably not a good idea. Someone mentioned today about what impression does this kind of stuff give or something to that effect. But what impression would it give if someone came in and saw that I had a whole thread devoted to just insults and ribbing. Probably not a good one. Would I check it out, sure. But would I be a poster there, probably not.

I don't really have an answer to this that is going to make everyone happy. And like I said, I am not one to censor anyone unless it got malicious or way out of hand.

So I think for now we all should just try to keep it confined to a certain thread and maybe not have a specific post just to draw attention to a battle.

If anyone has anymore thoughts please feel free to share them. I am open to almost anything, but I think that dedicating a whole thread is just a bit much.


Posted : March 22, 2002 11:17 pm
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New Member Guest

Just had to post in this thread. I am against trash talking on this forum unless it's about MC. Then let it rip. LOL. I hate to say it but yesterday was a little too much. Damn, did I say that. LOL.By the way MC, you left your saddle at the peep show last night.

Posted : March 23, 2002 9:47 am