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smart money bets and total plays for MLB - timing of bets

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Posts: 655
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Could you cappers with experience and you students of
baseball handicapping please tell me.... what is the time
of the day or previous night ( if you have to put it back )
that most of the smart money has gone into the MLB total
plays for the day?

I want to be able to seperate the bet placement timing of
the pros from that of the squares (those who bet late on
favorites and by emotion).

Use eastern time (New York time) to give me your approx.
answer. You could say by 8 to 11 in the morning eastern
time or some such approximated answer. I am not looking
for precision but an approximate time within a three hour

Thanks, Undefeated77 8)

Posted : April 9, 2009 7:44 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

There is no set answer for this like a lot of your questions 🙂

A lot of "pro" money comes in as soon as the lines are hung but that isn't the only time of day you will see pro money.

When lines move to their liking, they will bet. When a buy back presents itself they will bet. When scalps or middles present themselves they will bet.

Short answer is there is no set time for sharp money. It's a 24 hour business and the numbers that are available is what entices action, not the clock.

Posted : April 9, 2009 8:00 am
Posts: 655
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Thanks Cash !!!

I have a tool that allows me to see the percentage of the money
being placed on a play versus another play. I have seen the most
accuracy early on. But I just thought that more accuracy in this
tool could be gained if I could find a time of the day where the
larger number of the pro bets would give a more accurate consensus

Here is another question. Since over/under bets eliminate the emotion
over picking a favorite team and rely on analysis, would you say that
those who are "squares" and bet on these would do so through out
the day and not necessarily right before the game like those who have
a favorite team to bet on and want to get their bets in before the game starts?

Posted : April 9, 2009 9:17 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

I'm not Blade lol.

I'm not really getting your comment about the accuracy of you tool, can you elaborate? Specifically the accuracy of what? The play winning or losing? The amount of money? I'm not really following what you are calling accurate or inaccurate, whatever the case may be.

As far as totals go, no I would not say that. Again, this is a 24 hour business. We are not talking about Las Vegas. Just like with the sharps, squares have their own variables. What time zone are they in, can they access betting sites from their job, do they have to wait for their wife to go to bed, etc.

Realistically with whatever "tools" you are using to track money there is really no way to differentiate what's sharp and what's not. At least not with anything I have seen out there. And I have access to just about every comparison site, tracking tool, software program you could find past and present.

There is really no "simple" way to pull trends like this out. That is why there are more losers than winners.

Posted : April 9, 2009 10:55 am
Posts: 655
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Sorry, I changed the name above to "Cash"

Anyway, the tool I am talking about allows me to view the percentage of bets placed on one team versus another and a view of the percentage of bets placed on an under versus an over for each team. The percentage changes during the day.

Posted : April 9, 2009 12:24 pm