This belongs in the other thread probably but I wanted to it to get a lot of looks. Take it and report your %. I was 61%. If you got a wife or girlfriend get them in the mix too.
Ladies: take the bitch test:
Gentlemen: take the bastard test:
i gotm 51%
41%...looks like I'm a nice guy.
I'm a pretty big jerk, looks like.
Such is life. At least most of you aren't too far behind
33% 4 me 18 % which is tard, guess im better than half way to a tard then. so be it, ive always said they know more than most people.
54% tard
at least i was honest
I also got 54% and the wife got 44%. Damn, we haven't killed each other yet? LOL
33% 18% tard
Sparky, I could of told you your tard percentage without u even taking that test.
64 % BASTARD 24 % Tard....I'm Nasty
Wow, I didn't think anyone would beat me.