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something good to read

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this is a post from anouther forum

Made Man

Member # 164
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posted 08-19-2002
I've had a few people contact me wanting to know which side I'm going to play. I'll word it like this, A Boxer 10 star play, A CapperJohn 10 start play, A BettingPhrophets GOY, Score's College Football lock of the year, A Double Dragon play and others that I am sure that I left out. There are some things that I just don't question. I play them no matter what I think. All of the above plays average, let me stress this again, they AVERAGE about 85% or higher on their winners. Boxer's 10 star plays are 13-3 (81.25%), CapperJohn 10 stars rank very high (forgive me Capper...I don't know exactly what your percentage is), BettingPhrophets just posted about 7 or 8 plays that he has never lost on (100%), Score's College Football lock of the year, I think is 30-3 (90.9%). I can go on and on. Why would anyone want to pick against any of the above plays? I know that there are system plays as reported by one of the very good handicappers on this board. And allthough I respect a lot of the systems that are out there, I don't know of any systems that have consistantly hit like the above mentioned cappers. And most systems don't take into consideration motive, or incentive. Those that have asked me which side to play, well, if there ever has been a "NO-BRAINER" this is it. One "MUST" side with Double Dragon and play the Broncos, or if they disagree, they don't play the game at all. To play against the above percentages is playing with fire. Can Double Dragon lose? Absolutely! If they do, it still would not change my opinion for the future. I haven't changed my mind about any of the other plays that I have mentioned above. If I lose on one of their plays, I would just take it in stride and wait for their next play.
Just one other note. All of the above mentioned plays should be considered Bookie Busters. If anyone is aware of other plays that are worthy, please feel free to list them here. We can make a list and post them in the BBP thread every time that we get one of them. There are some that would not be posted because they are charged for as a part of someone's service, like BP's 100% plays.

Posted : August 19, 2002 7:27 pm
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And why is this something good to read? Because YOUR name is mentioned?? Lordy, how much attention do you require?? Really, what is the purpose of this post???

Posted : August 19, 2002 7:43 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Joshman, settle down bro. You said your piece and had some valid points. I can't have this turn into a bash-fest.

Boxers stuff has been moved to the appropriate area. If you aren't a fan, you aren't a fan. Lets just take it easy and get moving forward....


Posted : August 19, 2002 7:49 pm
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you said your thing. now you are getting out of hand.if you continue to bash you will be banned like anyone else would.i've seen nothing good that you have posted except bashing and this forum is not like those others.

feel free to post your plays and input about games but the bashing stops now.

Posted : August 19, 2002 7:50 pm
Posts: 3037
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Posted : August 19, 2002 8:02 pm
Posts: 246
Reputable Member

Josh...relax. You made excellent points and voiced the opinion shared by many. However, you have to also realise that he is now a cash seeking tout and requires publicity in any shape or form. Whether that means posting ego stroking articles from his cronies or replying to his own postings as I have seen other touts do at other forums there is nothing you can do. Every time you try to bash another tout will defend him. Give up and dont let it bother you. There are plenty of alternatives.

Posted : August 19, 2002 8:13 pm
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Jelousy and envy are the root of these two dolts' posts. I'm talking about Joshman and moose. These two claim that there are other alternatives. If there are, then please use them and stop crying like immature, high-school Harrys. Boxer's numbers are unpresedented and if the man wants to charge for his picks, so let it be. I honestly do not see your gripe. I am sick and tired of seeing your posts. You made your points, move on and stop trying to ruin Boxer's reputation.

I have no allegiance to Boxer. I am just sick of going to the board and reading the same, mundane posts from you two everyday. I would strongly advise the both of you to join the various wrestling chat rooms on the internet. They welcome the bashing. This site is for serious cappers. Try clown school!!

I will not get into a bashing contest with you two. This is my last post concerning the subject. I just had to voice my opinion. It's ridiculous to read your posts. If Boxer continued to give free picks, you two would not have crawled out of the woodwork and started crying.
Thanks for your time

Posted : August 19, 2002 9:42 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

now that everyone got everything out i am closing this thread.

ps. lets win some money using our brains-->.LOL

Posted : August 19, 2002 10:23 pm