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stewart or maddux

i've been i die-hard steeler fan since i was 7.but stewart can't win the big game.i bet half way through the season maddux is the starter.he looked much mor impressive.

any steeler thoughts would be great

Posted : August 25, 2002 1:12 am
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New Member Guest

Well boxer my man, I'm a native from Pittsburgh and grew up breathing the Steelers. I too think Maddox is the better quarterback but I don't think he'll be the starter. Cower for some reason loves and I mean absolutely adores Stewart. I have no idea why. When he was in major funk 2 years ago and people were bashing him, I thought he would be gone then. Cower has alot of control where he is concerned. I believe the Steelers would soar with Maddox but I just don't see the quarterback change. However, I believe the Steelers will soar regardless and that's why they'll keep things as is. That's just my opinion.

Posted : August 25, 2002 2:21 am
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New Member Guest

the problem is they paid him to much money and the "people" that gave him that money told cowher this is your QB and live with it.

Posted : August 25, 2002 2:45 am