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hey any ?

Posted : November 15, 2002 5:59 pm
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I heard Tripper loves Minnesota. Is that true?

Posted : November 15, 2002 6:07 pm
Posts: 41
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who knows with him, he was just online ...where did he go ?
probably to the bank to get ready for this weekends action !!

Posted : November 15, 2002 6:14 pm
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I found him, he was hiding out again down in Orlando

Posted : November 15, 2002 6:28 pm
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LOL...LOL...LOL Thats not nice, anyway,
good luck on your plays tonight Bailey, you too Tripper

Posted : November 15, 2002 6:37 pm
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I see that Mr. Nice and Gitchy97 are back up to their old tricks, this time under "their assumed" names. I honestly had enough of you two clowns, I am seriously trying to cap games and these two LOSERS have nothing better to do than mock me!! I thought they were banned, but I guess not. Well, anyone who followed my picks or thought I added some insight to the site, I am sorry, I got run out by these immature buffoons. This is my last post, Good Luck To All and keep busting the book's ass. I will go to another web site, where maturity takes presidence over bashing and belittling other people. How many more people do these complete morons have to run off the site before something is done?? Have a nice life!!

By the way, Mr. Nice and Gitchy97 have already been "Banned" 4-5 times a piece for insulting people and somehow they keep logging on under other names!! Grow up Guys, you both have a maturity level that dwarfs that of a 2-year-old!! Answer me one question: Why are you guys on this site if all that you do is bash?? They both have been banned from two other sites also!!

Mr. Nice: Keep e-mailing Boxer under assumed names too, that is real mature!!

Posted : November 15, 2002 7:17 pm
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Mr.Ferley, ReagleBeagle, Jack Tripper --sorry to see you guys go, but i'm looking forward to meeting Larry,Janice, and Chrissy.

Posted : November 15, 2002 7:32 pm
Posts: 7610
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Bailey and Striz,

sorry to see you go. Bye Bye


Posted : November 15, 2002 9:08 pm
Posts: 16
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I have to agree with Tripper on this one. While I also think that it is funny, it really isn't the place to bash on someone. I log on to get a feel for what people are betting on and to try to win some money.......keep capping Tripper

Posted : November 16, 2002 1:28 am
Posts: 1831
Famed Member

I also think a little humor is finebut i log onto this site looking for a little feeback before I place my wagers. I'm gonna miss Trippers PAC 10 total play on Sat nights thats helped line my pockets the last 2 weeks.

Posted : November 16, 2002 2:32 am