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Sun in the Fingerlakes

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When I left Orlando yesterday it was 88 degrees and it is 30 degrees here today with 5 inches of new snow. Sometimes it sucks living in the northeast.

My kids will have the computer tied up most of today catching up on a weeks worth of home work. I hope to have the POD standings up in a day or so. Wish it could be sooner but I have a lot of catching up to do at work as well. Also need to purge my system of the hundred or so margaritas i drank at Citywalk last week. Kids and i had a blast. They buddied up with some sons of business associates on the trip and i got to play some golf at some great courses and do some serious drinking as well as ride every ride at the Universal complex. Good to be back.

Posted : March 30, 2003 3:40 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

YO! Welcome back big daddy! Nice to see you had a good time. Cold as hell here too after a week worth of 50-70 degree weather. Sucks. No snow though. I can't wait to throw some shorts and a short sleeve shirt on myself.

Don't worry about catching up! Get settled in and if u need any help let me know!


Posted : March 30, 2003 4:01 pm