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Well said oh wise one, regarding your thoughts on the forum.

Now if I might add something. This forum as well as any forum is set to exchange information and thats what we should be doing. My post yesterday "HIZZ PICKS" was the first time I saw something of that nature with hoops and RobertBIrish adding their thoughts on my picks. Now because of their post I cut back on both games. Now as it was I split. But right or wrong I will always listen to someone like Robert because he is one of the best cappers out there, believe it !!!!When I post I want discussion, just don't come back and say "you like Boston Hizz, I like Miami" that is not telling anyone one fuckin thing, tell me why or don't clutter up my postings.
This forumn is set up to give and take and sometimes a thank you would not hurt. You have the makings with both oopie bear and MC to bring this to another level, "do so".

Posted : March 26, 2002 1:08 pm