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this has got to end

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cash, blade this years football has been bad all around. the top bets just crash and burn. last years basketball was the same. the method i use is a make-sense methods and i realize that any good method will have its ups and downs and i also realize that for any good method to produce a maximum effect u must have a strong rating number. weather my method has soured or the numbers i use have gone bad i dont know.
do u know of a power rating number to be found that is better then any other rating number out there. iam aware of jeff sagarrin ratings and i hear his number is well developed and theres statfox power ratings but i wouldnt know how to grade one over the other. theres a rating put out by and they have a rating for a number of different areas of handicapping such as an overall team rating, a spread predictive rating, a home rating a road rating, a wins rating, strenght of scedual rating and a home advantage ratings ect. looks interesting but again i wouldnt know how strong these numbers really are. iam looking a a solution to this tailspin and the only place i can think of to start is with the power rating numbers so if theres any help u can give in this area it would be much appreciated.

Posted : November 10, 2009 7:20 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

I know your pain been the year from hell for me as well and have just about given up on Football this year, hell I didn't bet a single game this weekend and didn't bother me a bit.

I use to like the ratings from The Gold Sheet myself but not sure how to get anymore.

Posted : November 10, 2009 9:43 pm
Posts: 13
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I know your pain been the year from hell for me as well and have just about given up on Football this year, hell I didn't bet a single game this weekend and didn't bother me a bit.

I use to like the ratings from The Gold Sheet myself but not sure how to get anymore.

there is a site that looks pretty interesting. i just dont have the knowhow or capacity to grade there numbers in order to determine wheatheror not their ratings are strong or not. i dont know, give em a looksee. u might find something u like. click on 'colledge football teams' or 'nfl football teams' then click on any team and scroll down and u will see the different catagories they power rate. cant miss it. if u go there then let me know what u think

Posted : November 10, 2009 11:56 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

Lots of good info on that site freeneasy 😮

Posted : November 11, 2009 2:44 pm