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When I first came across this forum, I found it friendly, informative and fun. Other forums to me seemed "clicky" and unless you were one of the crowd, you were not taken seriously. Here, all were welcome and immediately felt like they belonged here.

Well, now it seems like things are changing. Although MC has one of the most informative sites on the net, the forum has suffered from constant bashing. Even the slightest disagreement on a game turns into a slugfest. There is no reason that a difference in opinion can't be discussed without the criticisms.

It would also be nice if some of the members here who are decent handicappers post their selections. Also, it would be great to see a running win/loss and profit/loss total so the rest of us know if you are hot or not. Maybe those looking for some winners can jump aboard and take the ride while you are on a good streak.

I like the Eagles tonight. You may like the Redskins. Fine...but I don't need to be ridiculed for my choice nor do I need to be reminded that I suck the next day if the game goes down.

To all NON-MEMBERS...SIGN UP. It's free...and we'd like to hear what you have to say.

We should all be here to HELP each other out. Any information that may be of interest and can help us win should be posted. Let's get back to basics.

MC...thanks for giving us this forum along with all the great information here. is also awesome. For those who haven't seen it, check it out.

Good luck tonight...whoever you choose.

[email protected]

Posted : September 16, 2002 5:21 pm
Posts: 382
Honorable Member

Well said brother. Our only goal should be to help everyone kick the books ass.

Posted : September 16, 2002 6:25 pm
Posts: 647
Prominent Member

Cool thoughts CC. Baseball wasn't really my thing so I pretty much followed everyone on this site. Did pretty well, too. I feel much better about football, especially NCAA. That's why I started posting my big plays of the week along with an extensive write-up, usually before Saturday. Have being doing extremely well with those, but I don't post the rest of my card as they have only been around 55% (just enough to cover juice). Hopefully people have won some moola on those, but I don't know since I haven't recieved any feedback. Doesn't matter, though, since I just like to contribute any way I can to this kick-ass forum !

Posted : September 16, 2002 6:32 pm
Posts: 594
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I'm sure people notice. I always like to read what others have to say. I rely on everybody to help gather information that can help to find a solid winner.

At the end of the day, it may be a good idea to summarize your record and units for the or lose. It also brings your post to the top of the forum and gives us a reminder to say thanks for the winners. If they lose, what the hell...we all lose at times and the board may want to know when you have hit an bad run.


Posted : September 16, 2002 6:39 pm
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i'll tell you 1 thing i hit a bad run and this week is the time i get back to kicken the bookies ass in.

Posted : September 16, 2002 6:41 pm
Posts: 594
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Is it the 25th already?

Glad to have you back. Kick some bookie a$$.

Posted : September 16, 2002 6:49 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

CC, great post!

I agree with you 100% to quote Lee Corso. We need to get back the fundamentals of what the board is about.

That is why I tried for so long to just be cool and see if the fights would just work themselves out into debates. Didn't happen. I hate being a hard-ass, but at the same time, why bother to run a site that is useless to everyone?

That is what I never understood about some of these sites. Why would someone want to have a site where nothing good was exchanged and nobody cared about the people or the site itself. Blows my mind still.

The more we all post here and discuss the better off we will all be. I hope that over my time here that I have helped some of you with my posts, advice or articles. And whether I say it or not there have been many a time that I have dropped into a thread and grabbed something one of you have said and I changed my bet or put some more analysis into it.

Bottomline is that we need to get back to basics and use our toughness to beat up on the man and not up on each other. I appreciate all the emails and everyone trying to pull it together for the sake of the site and the people here. We will all be better off in the long run, trust me. The more you support me and show me that you want this site to be here, I will keep putting every dollar I can into it to make it the best I possibly can.


Posted : September 16, 2002 10:23 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

P.S. Gabagoo, I always read your posts whether I reaspond or not. Keep em comin


Posted : September 16, 2002 10:37 pm
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Capper Chris,Enjoy hearing a voice of reason. FastBreak

Posted : September 17, 2002 9:41 am
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Capper Chris: nice post. I'm with you but have some different opinion about who should put picks here. I think that everyone should do this not only "decent handicappers" because it will be something to compare not only one or 2 cappers. I think sometimes someone who don't know anything about mlb and is on fire can be more effective than a prof capper and I want to know his opinon.
I think that you have right that every who put picks should also put results next day. I'll do this even I wll lost I hope it can't happend
so guys don't be ashamed and put anything you think about here - I think this forum is for sharing picks not only read what few guys have to say. I hope you put some picks tooday
good luck and let's kick some bookie a$$

Posted : September 17, 2002 5:28 pm
Posts: 594
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Makes sense...maybe there is a needle in the haystack out there somewhere.

Posted : September 17, 2002 6:09 pm