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Tripper's Big Monday Night Play!!!

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Posted early, just for Piglet

Green Bay Packers -5 6*

Look for the Packers to win by more than a touchdown at home on Monday night. Farve thrives in this atmosphere and he will look to prove all of the doubters wrong about his health--His knee will not be a problem.

Ray Lucas flat-out stinks, completing 13 of 33 passes with 4 int's against a Buffalo D that gives up 29.9 points per game. Look for Lucas to continue his ineptness tonight and for Green Bay to put 8 in the box to derail Ricky Williams. Lucas sure the hell isn't going to beat anyone through the air.

Posted : November 4, 2002 7:11 pm
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New Member Guest

i think stewert and lucas should open up a QB camp for kids.LOL

Posted : November 4, 2002 7:20 pm
Posts: 197
Reputable Member

Please cappers, if you cherish your money and want it to grow, don't listen to a word this kid says. He does not even bet so he doesn't care if you lose money or not. Just trying to help.

Posted : November 4, 2002 8:35 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

cashmoney end this one wants to here it.tripper adds much info and who cares if he bets or not.don't see you adding anything but jerking off 2 other people.stop bitching and add some insight or take a walk

Posted : November 4, 2002 8:38 pm
Posts: 398
Honorable Member

JT....appreciate all your input! You da man in football!

Posted : November 4, 2002 8:41 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

I should open up a new site. How does this sound?

Michael Cash's Cappers Daycare?

It's getting old, CM is gone. For good. Anyone else would like to join him let me know. We are getting a lot more looks the last few days and this is not the impression I want to set for people that are visiting our site for the first time.


Posted : November 4, 2002 8:45 pm
Posts: 462
Prominent Member

I understand Daycare stocks are on the rise!
Might want to give it a 2nd thought Cash! (LOL)
g-luck ALL

Posted : November 4, 2002 9:00 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Thanks KC_Chiefs and Boxer
Your kind words are appreciated. Those guys must be jealous or something. And to say that I do not bet is the most absurd thing that I have ever heard in my life. What does this kid think, that I spend all of my time on a cappers' site for the heck of it, LOL!! Good luck too all tonight and lets' kick some a$$!!!

Posted : November 4, 2002 9:11 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Spend it fellas!!! The write came to form as Ray Lucas absolutely sucked and sqaundered all kinds of chances. Ricky Williams was held in check and Farve was Farve. Mr. Monday night rolls on to a stadium near you, LOL!!! I hope the guys that were mocking me eat crow, LOL!! Good night to all!!

Posted : November 5, 2002 2:29 am