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well guys

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New Member Guest

Had a very decent evening with football coming through and a win on the Astros. Unfortunately, the Giants let me down. Ho hum, that's baseball for ya.
Well, I've received a few ungrateful comments regarding my honor. I was only here to help and prove it's not necessary to pay for picks. The end result is up to you guys. The purpose of these boards is work together and not try to "feed" off of other people. I don't feel as if I NEED to prove myself to anyone, therefore, I'll make my exit.
I realize there are some hostile people in here so no need to lash out at me as I won't be reading it. lol But if it makes you feel better, more power to you. lol
In closing, best of luck to all.

Posted : August 18, 2002 12:50 am
Posts: 130
Estimable Member

The good thing is that I followed you for tonight because I thought that you were like the rest of us intheis group. I guess I was wrong. you are out for the samething as what boxer did. Leave I don't care. Just as you sais another will come along. Out of sight out of mind. See ya

Posted : August 18, 2002 1:00 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator


No offense buddy cause I appreciate everyone that registers and posts anything. But as the new guy on the block you are gonna need to have a little thicker skin.

This site is just like the school yard. The older kids look funny at the new kid till he proves himself. A day and a half and 16 posts later is a little soon to call it quits if you ask me, but that's your call.

Best of Luck!

Posted : August 18, 2002 1:11 am
Posts: 246
Reputable Member

Might as well chime in as my opinion is as worthless as all the rest. Constructive criticism is a two way street. You came here and made some very valid points regarding what was happening and to that extent I totally agreed. You then set yourself up as the self annointed second coming of boxer. Your first nfl went well but bases went 0-2 and you had a losing evening. At that point you decided that bases were "so unpredictable" although you didn't mention that point of view when you gave the plays. Your nfl worked out and now one little comment and you create the drama and I'm not appreciated attitude. You have given a less then 10 picks which is far too small a sampling. If they were all right that doesn't make you a god.....all wrong and you aren't an idiot. Respect is EARNED over time not demanded in a weekend. You appear more like someone that tried for a couple days hoping that they would get lucky and have their ego stroked but all the while knowing that over time they just wouldn't measure up. If you go you will be quickly forgotten. If you choose to stay and contribute your performance will dictate how you are regarded. When a PROVEN handicapper vacates a seat, the next guy to sit down doesn't automatically become his replacement. EARN the position, dont demand it.

Posted : August 18, 2002 10:33 am
Posts: 462
Prominent Member

Clips best advise to you is to listen to Cash.
stick around, post your plays, and have some fun.
As long you treat this forum with the respect it
deserves, Cash, will back you 100%, and if ness.
step in like a proud father and clean-house.
Just remember, this forum is for sharing and
nobody is forsefeeding anybody.
Hope this helps a bit, and hope to see ya.

Posted : August 18, 2002 10:51 am
Posts: 594
Prominent Member

Why does anyone really care if this guy no longer posts? There is plenty of good information here without Mr. Clip.

I will continue to send out the Falcon selections via e-mail to anyone who wants them. MC gets them and posts here almost every day. Although there are times I have been bashed for these picks when they have a bad day/week, I have learned to just forget about it and continue to send them out to those interested.

Those who followed last football season, basketball season and this year's baseball by PLAYING THE UNITS have won a substantial amount of money. The other night, he had a 7 unit play that lost and I got a few "Falcon sucks" e-mails. I just hit delete and move on.

In conclusion, be consistent when deciding who to follow. Cherry picking top plays from services will burn you in the end. Good luck.

[email protected]

Posted : August 18, 2002 12:57 pm