No Sports...
trotting ? In europe we have Tour de France tooday picks Zabel and O'Grady but I know that You have hearts only for baseball
beaseball is last time also my favorit game although I've never heard about polish baseball league - we just don't have it
WC2002 was terrible
You got me all wrong Isalaki, I don't even like baseball. This is the time of year that I start getting everything ready for football. Baseball is just filler for me.
But I know that everyone else likes it so I want to keep everyone entertained while the all-star break is going on!
Maybe we can place bet on WNBA
no way.not for me.i don't have a clue about that SH#T.good luck
I think that Utah is going to win, but the odd is too small...
I know I am ready for football. Turn on the tube at 7AM to watch Feist and his flunkies. It's always worth a laugh. Then college gameday. Then its football games out the ass!!!!! Betting on every game from 12:00 to 12:00. (Damn Hawaii games!!!) The best part of the year for me!
i hear you oopie i watch coll. football for 15 hours on wife thinks i have brain damage.who is in the kickoff classic this year.i go every this the last year i heard they are getting rid of it.or it is gone already?