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Will the bookies keep paying a consistent winner???

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Let us say someone really finds a good system to use
with the handicappers picks and is able to keep winning

Do you honestly think the offshore sports books will pay
that client month after month and year after year OR DO

Anyone have any ideas based on personal experience or
do you have a friend who works inside the sports books
who would know the answer or come close to guessing
what the true answer is? If so, I am interested in your

Thank you 8)

Posted : March 10, 2009 2:28 pm
Posts: 7610
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This happens everyday. There are several posters here who have been dismissed from many sportsbooks over the years.

In the old days they would lock you out and tell you to go screw yourself.

Now they cut limits, sometimes cut limits again and then eventually just pay you, show your the door and tell you that your play is no longer welcome.

It's been many years since I heard of someone getting the boot without being paid.

Posted : March 10, 2009 3:05 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

Happens all the time espicially if your betting nothing but steam,they will just show you the door and pay you on your way out.If the book is smart and your playing your own plays and not just steam they should use your info to their benefit but most don't espicially if your a smaller bettor where you would most likely just fly under the radar.

Posted : March 10, 2009 5:01 pm
Posts: 655
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Thanks Cash and Blade for your responses.

When I first entered this world about one year ago I encountered
a vocabulary that I did not know. I am still learning. Blade, you
used the word "steam". Could you define this please?

Also, you said if I am a smaller bettor there is a chance they
may not boot me out if I am a consistent winner.

Do you guys think it is possible that if I am with about five top
sports books and I develop a consistent winning system and
draw out only $200 per month from each book that they may
leave me alone with this small amount being drawn out each month?

Thanks for your feedback, 8)

Posted : March 10, 2009 11:06 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

Steam is when a game first gets hit by wise guys and the number starts going up or down and you hit the number before the book has a chance to adjust there number on that side like the Cavs game opened 9 and shot up to 11 very quickly today.

If your playing at solid books and withdrawing 200.00 a month it wouldn't even raise a eyebrow,glad to see your winning on a consistent basis undefeated.

Posted : March 10, 2009 11:54 pm
Posts: 7610
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You should be fine but it really comes down to what you are betting and your winning percentage more than the amount of your wagers or winnings.

If you are clearly betting the same thing as a group of people who are taking shots at a book you will probably be lumped in with those clients and shown the door even if you are only betting a small percentage of the overall pot.

For example, a guy I know got booted recently betting horses he was getting from a buddy of his who was getting them from another buddy, etc. He was only betting a few bucks on each horse but his betting patterns were the same as probably a few dozen other people. So even though he was probably the smallest bettor of the entire group he was dismissed along all the others.

Posted : March 11, 2009 7:36 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

Is anyone still having any issues actually getting payouts? I was previously with and got the run around big time....took like 60 days to get paid (a few months back) I use thepig and beted and haven't had any issues, just hate that beted won't let me withdrawl within 30 days of making a deposit.....and thepig only offered me western union and moneygram (expensive), but at least I'm getting it in a decent amount of time. Anyone having any issues getting payouts?

Posted : March 12, 2009 9:59 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

stoneman50 the best way to go with sportsbetting is by bank wire from my experiences with them, much less waiting time than a check.Some books were having real issue's awhile back getting people paid in a timely manner which was a big pain in the ass for the players who had to wait,my last two payouts from them were handled with no issue's.

Posted : March 12, 2009 10:39 pm
Posts: 7610
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Payouts are still an issue for anyone who needs a check. Just about everywhere you would play and need to get a paper check you are looking at 45-60 days to get paid.

The problem is that books can only write so many checks per day and once they hit that limit they are done.

Bank wires, pre-paid cards, WU and moneygram are the way to go if you are in a hurry to get your money.

Posted : March 13, 2009 8:00 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

Cool, thanks for the info.....just made me worry when I kept gettign excuse after excuse every day as to why I hadn't gotten my money...thanks

Posted : March 13, 2009 2:00 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

No prob. I get questions like this all the time via email.

Without seeing inside of an online gambling site it's hard to imagine what it really takes to make all of that work.

Most people don't think about the banking, the marketing, the security, the customer service, etc. They relate it to the closest thing they know which is Vegas - where there are a couple of clerks at a walk up counter.

It's really nothing like that. These places are housed in big office buildings and employ hundreds and in some cases (like thousands of people.

During NFL season a medium to large sports book can process more financial transactions per day than about 5 Best Buy stores. If you have ever tried to get a check from Best Buy you will know it's not the easiest or timeliest way to get a refund. And Best Buy faces no financial or legal restrictions in their business.

You should never get excuses, they should always be straight up with you. But the delays are a direct result of the UIGEA passage and subsequent banking fallout.

Trust me, if the sports books could pay you faster, they would.

Posted : March 13, 2009 2:48 pm
Posts: 655
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Perhaps some of the weekend guys could comment on any
experiences they have had with the sports books closing down
their accounts when they became a consistent winner. I am
not looking for reports from the bad sports books who did not
pay you. I am looking for examples of sports books that paid
you but kicked you out when you became a consistent winner.

Also, do the problems start when you start requesting payouts
or can the problems start when they see your account growing
day by day and week by week?

Let's say you have an account at a top multimillion dollar book
and you compound that account from $2,500 to $10,000 and
you transfer some money out to some other books and keep
enough in the first book to make 10% per month and draw out
$200 per month, I wonder if doing the above would raise some
eyebrows or cause trouble at a multimillion dollar book? Or, if
the amount is still too small to cause any problems?

I realize it is impossible to predict but looking for some help
in knowing how I should handle my accounts as I develop a
consistent winning strategy.

Thanks for your help, 8)

Posted : March 14, 2009 9:30 am
Posts: 4159
Illustrious Member

I have been cut off by 7 offshore shops, and 3 "locals".

The typical response from an offshore shop is:
"Risk management has determined your wagering patterns to be that NOT of a recreational player.............." blah, blah, no more bonuses, etc.

I keep copies, and call it my resume.

They also "rate" players within a shop, so some players get "sharp numbers", others get "square numbers". I have written articles about this stuff, but everyone pretty much knows........


Posted : March 14, 2009 9:42 am
Posts: 7610
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As I mentioned in my previous post it has nothing to do with money. Every wager made is ran through risk management software that will generate alerts based on "red flags" built into the system. When your betting raises suspicion you will be shown the door regardless of the amount of your wagers.

Will larger wagers results in you getting noticed quicker, certainly. Their software is keeping track of that too.

Don't under estimate the tools these places have at their disposal. One of the most important jobs in a sports book is an analyst.

Every bet every customer makes is being watched by people and by machines.

Just like Hook said though he has been booted from 7 and he is still playing online. So my advice to you is to not worry about it. There are plenty of places out there that will take your action.

Posted : March 14, 2009 10:48 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

I think my funniest boot story was at the old Oasis when they showed me the door cause I bet a MNF game under because of bad weather a few days before gameday,they said I was a wise guy since I knew it was gonna be bad weather. 😀

Posted : March 14, 2009 3:05 pm
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