Nice call on Over. TT..N.Tex/Army.. chickened out on Wake.. let us know your Cougs/Minnesota call. As I can't bet with my heart.
G W... winner.. thanks wiz
Hey Wiz, I heard this chick talking smack about being able to pick more bowl winners than you...She called herself GRETA!!!!
Pick Wiz isn't going anywhere, I have a feeling he would miss Greta :cheer:
Well you're allowed 1 phone call if it goes bad today, please use that call to contact The Spread and post your picks... haha hope all goes well PWIZ....
A smart man once said.."3 is better than 2" Let's go Xavier...
PS... thanks for Memphis last night wiz... BTW, you in the Seattle area? Live in Stanwood by Kayak Golf course keep the winners coming and I will cov...
Tuned into my daily soap, a slight mixture of As the world turns and Days of our lives and was delightfully entertained. I have not chose who is the o...
Cash, we will take the 8 year absentee as i tune in daily for his great picks and even greater humour. You watch Pickwiz and Timmy will be buds in n...
Kevin are you loving our Dawgs right now 🙂
Timmy T, never been into betting 1st qtrs but you changed that.. great job budz 🙂