gitchy97= I thought I saw Ferley walking around in the Olympic Sports Book.He was having a debate on who was better A-Rod or Jeter!LOL Go Yanks! Cas...
Mr. Nice- Good to hear from you buddy.I was a little worried about you.I thought you went on another adventure with Cory and Banks!LOL
Ventura and Mondesi hav'nt done sh!t this series.Ventura is stealing money.Soriano hasn't inpressed me either. Cashmoney2
Boxer- Good Luck tonight.I look for Soriano to have a big night tonight.Andy will dominate the Angels line-up.It's good to see you finally rooting fo...
Mr.Nice- You cannot argue the postseason stats that Jeter has consistently put up.Has A-Rod ever made the playoffs?LOL. The Mariners were good and th...
The talent and experience of the Yanks will win them this series.The manager did f%ck up by not bringing in Percival.What the hell was he thinking?He ...
Mr. Nice- I guess you guys should listen to Cashmoney2 more often in the Jeter vs. A-rod debates. JETERS POSTSEASON STATS TONIGHT -2-2 1HR,Single,2W...
Tripper- It mustbe the Carma.LOL.At least I got the bet in on time! Good Luck! Cashmoney2 *Making Bookies Weep Nationwide
Boxer- Jorge could'nt throw out my dead mule!LOL.Trying to decide who is worse at throwing men out him or Piazza?my answer is Piazza.In my opinion he...
Tripper- Nice call on the early game.I think the A's will choke again this postseason.LOL.Ralph Ferley just called he said he wants his rent money!lo...