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Topics: 21 / Replies: 224
tracking handicappers

Yes, I have been tracking myself for quite some time now. If you go to the Winners Symposium, you will see that if you simply fade my picks, you woul...

15 years ago
Friday Winners Symposium

Dartmouth +11 Princeton -5 Cornell -4.5 Columbia +3.5 Illinois State +3 VCU +1.5 NBA Minnesota -3

15 years ago
Demo's scared

Hmmmmm........I wonder why ??? I thought Nancy Pelosi's billion dollar program to save the San Francisco marsh rat would really help all of us 😀 Ni...

15 years ago
Rachel Maddow: Frank Rich on The Grand Obstructionist Party

She's another good source to cite. 😀 She is about as painful to watch as anyone I know. She is like an elementary school child who responds...........

15 years ago
Obama is Americas No. 1 hero, not Jesus

I find it amuzing that you cite most of your propaganda from the democraticunderground website. I bet if you read the Satanic Bible, it would tell yo...

15 years ago
Rush Limbaugh on Barack Obama

I agree with Johnny........Rush for President!

15 years ago
A New Movement: Indict Bush Now!

Ain't gonna happen. Even Obama's people have said they won't pursue it. They would rather focus on the future. I would encourage you to do the same...

15 years ago
A New Movement: Indict Bush Now!

FYI.......You can't impeach a man who is not in office anymore. What are you going to tell Bush?.........He can't be the President anymore? Anyway, ...

15 years ago
Wednesday Winners Symposium

NC State +20 Butler -5.5 Niagara -4.5 Texas Tech +1 Virginia Tech -1 Houston -4.5 Ball St. Pk NBA Minnesota +9.5

15 years ago
Stimulus signed, Wall Street tanks

It's all Bush's fault :- Oh, I forgot............this is Obama's Stimulus package that was supposed to get things going. Thanks a lot Poppopt. You ...

15 years ago
Tell the president what u think!

Hi Barack........It's me, the Chup. I just wanted to let you know what kind of wierdos are out there supporting you. There is this guy........his na...

15 years ago
A New Movement: Indict Bush Now!

Why did the House and Senate vote to go to war then? Are these the same members who voted for the biggest "spending" bill in history? The best part ...

15 years ago
Scott Horton: Former Gitmo Guard Tells All : Brutality; Rape; Contempt for Islam

Poppopt............You should be a Gitmo guard. You can coddle these nice young men who have been wrongly incarcerated and adopt them as your childre...

15 years ago
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots,

TOP TEN LIBERAL IDIOTS (ahhh...but there are sooo many to choose from!!) 1. Obama 2. Biden 3. Frank 4. Dodd 5. Pelosi 6. Reed 7. Kennedy 8. Kerry 9. ...

15 years ago
i got a real good idea!

You are going to wish the Dumcraps didn't force this stimulus package on you. How can someone who doesn't pay income taxes receive a tax credit? Sou...

15 years ago
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