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Topics: 21 / Replies: 224
Bought 3000 Shares of Citigroup

Not selling anything no matter what. Don't blame you. Gotta do the opposite of Poppopt every time ;D

15 years ago
Blind to be cured with stem cells

I would like you to be the first blind person to be cured with stem cells. Obviously you can't read Mr. Cash's repeated requests to stop posting link...

15 years ago
GOP Types truly do suck.

About 60 days Obama has been in Office and GOP types already want Obama to fix all the mess the GOP created in the last eight years.Isn't that what yo...

15 years ago

Whatever happened to the "tax break" all of us that earn less than $250,000 were supposed to get. Did he mean "tax BROKE"? The only break I got this...

15 years ago
i broke the rules but u have 2 see this

Dumbs are used to breaking the rules. They only want to enforce them if they benefit from it. If you keep breaking the rules you are going to have t...

15 years ago
the Bush administration's illegal torture program. released

we are on opposite sides of the fence .... i dont like for 1 minute the way this country was run the last 8 years under bush! hang his lying ass...

15 years ago
2010 landscape ....19 to get rid of!

oh did u forget that 168 billion every six months for iraq!..... what happened 2 u guys ...nobody trust the repigs ...they ruined the whole usa

15 years ago
2010 landscape ....19 to get rid of!

"4. Candidate recruitment: Both parties are searching for strong candidates to run as challengers or for open seats, but have suffered some disappoint...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 974
Officials: Somali pirates seize 21 U.S. sailors

2 days later..............Still nothing from Obama ??? I've been watching this asshole on t.v. nonstop for the last 3 months and now he is silenced? ...

15 years ago
Breaking news: Indictment of Bush Officials May Come in Days

What's up Poppopt? When did you start calling yourself Weatherman 😀

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 742
Former Cheney Aide Suggests That Hersh’s Account Of ‘Executive Assassination Rin

And your point is???????????????? I would like to give the terrorists a common courtesy call before we "whack" them. This way it ...

15 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 613
15 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 752
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