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Topics: 21 / Replies: 224
1957 schools vs 2007schools

I hear ya Pop! Look what happens when the country becomes more LIBERAL. We become more stupiderest 😉

15 years ago
the sinking ship!.....i want change

time 2 clean house in 2010 .....its gonna happen! Amen Pop! Let's get rid of those Democrat bastards in 2010 who are spending us deeper into a depre...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 637
How are everyones brackets doing so far

11 teams left going into the Sweet 16. Sitting in first place in my work pool. Could have probably clinched it with USC and Oklahoma St. wins. Stil...

15 years ago
Official: AIG bonuses bigger than believed

now thats a big repig partry I thought Senator Dodd was a Dumcrap :- Last I checked, he was responsible for slipping this into the bill at the last ...

15 years ago
close aig

I think Obama should return the $104,000 he received from AIG for his presidential campaign. He and Senator Dodd (D) were the two highest recipients ...

15 years ago
House sets up vote today on taxing AIG bonuses wtf 100% unbelievable

I think we should tax your Dumcrap Senator Dodd 100% for allowing these bonuses to be issued in the first place. This son of a bitch doesn't deserve ...

15 years ago
Oil hits high for 2009 as dollar plunges

We are screwed for good now. This $1 Trillion dollar flooding has never worked in the history of mankind. The government has given up. They are put...

15 years ago
Republicans..can you defend this too ?

Sure........With a Democrat Congress and the inevitible election of Obama, the American people didn't have confidence in the future of our economy. 😉

15 years ago
Get Your 2009 Brackets Hot off The Presses!

Michael, is there any interest from the members about setting up a contest for the tournament? Might be kind of fun, even if it is only for bragging ...

15 years ago
Dickhead Cheny

I will tell him when you tell Al Gore to go away. ;D

15 years ago

In an effort to be more "bipartisan" I need to give credit where credit is due. Good job on this one Obama!

15 years ago
how 2 become a republican

How to become a Dumcrap: 1. Pray to Obama. He is the new messiah because he is such a great speaker. Much like the Nazis felt about Hitler. 2. If ...

15 years ago
Cheney: Obama detainee policies make US less safe

Cheney is right. You will see that Obama's policies will make us less safe. You think Russia is scared of us right now? Shit.....they are already p...

15 years ago
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