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Topics: 21 / Replies: 224
OOPS!!! - RNC Chairman Steele's Hooker Problem

This is just another attempt for the Democratic Party to hold a black man down. If Steele were a Democrat you would sweep this under the rug. Quit b...

15 years ago
Wednesday Winners Symposium

I agree. The Suns have been amazing too with even higher totals. Unbelievable scores lately. Take care and thanks for all your hard work!

15 years ago
Wednesday Winners Symposium

Well I'll be dipped in SHIT! If I lose by a 1/2 a fricken point one more time.............I'm gonna start buying down that 1/2 fricken point ;D How ...

15 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 649
Gold Rush: Dems launch Operation Rushbo

Very interesting to see Obama's team respond to Rush's every move. They would be better served ignoring him. The problem is, they know there is a lo...

15 years ago
"Earmarks Of The Beast" - Olbermann Destroys GOP's Lies & Disinformation

Very funny to see all this talk of "truth" commissions now that Obama is in office. If the "truth" commissions had come out before the media put him ...

15 years ago
yea baby yea ....repigs repukes rethugs , nazais , faciast = RETARDS

It's pretty comical how you evil labials can spew whatever kind of venom you want at Bush when he is in office, and out of office, but the minute anyo...

15 years ago
Secret Bush memos made public by Obama

Obama better be careful making certain information public about past presidents. This is a man who, along with the mainstream media, did not want any...

15 years ago
we will get it done ...... we mean business

We're gonna get it done.............."because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!" Stuart Smalley........I mean Al Fra...

15 years ago
Ron Paul on Rush Limbaugh - Sad, Republicans STARVING For Leadership

What's wrong with wanting leadership. It's better than wanting a party that is only looking for followers. The dems are a bunch of sheep that are le...

15 years ago
CPAC=Crazy People Are Coming

I know it must be frustrating for you. The problem with your argument is that Bush is not the president anymore. Americans voted for Obama because t...

15 years ago
CPAC=Crazy People Are Coming too :- These first two months have been awesome 😀 Americans are feeling confident again.............or should I say, less confident ...

15 years ago
bet u didnt know!

Great Pop! I'm glad you were able to extract 10 things out of Obama's spending bill that may make a difference in the economy. 10 things??????? Tha...

15 years ago
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots

Great Orators of the Democratic Party 'One man with courage makes a majority.' - Andrew Jackson 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself....

15 years ago
CPAC=Crazy People Are Coming

The "crazy people are already here and they won the election." 😀 Interesting Statistics Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of ...

15 years ago
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