Just started #1 (miller lite- gotta support my team) did anybody just see J. hammonds from the brewers get screwed out of a homer. the ball hit the ...
Milw +110
SF -135 Dodgers -140 Pitt +155
Pitt +150
Nice calls boxer. I'm really impressed on the tie call on the USA/KOR game. Great job.
oops [ June 10, 2002, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: crazypicks ]
Boston -200 Florida -110 Oakland -110
Detroit +105
Pitt -135 Minn -160 ST. Louis -145
Cinc +135 I like this one a lot
I think that is funny as hell. I didn't even have enough faith in the guy to place a bet on it and I called the damn number.LOL <img border="...
got it, I'm going to check out the site. Thanks
It sounds pretty cool. could you email me some info on it. [email protected] Thanks
Just wondering, what are the benefits of a sports pager? why can't you just call that number to get sports scores or go online?