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I don't know about you, but I'm proud to be "far left"!

Yea, let's get a truth commission and we'll have senator Roland Burris from IL head it up, or should Tom Dashle head it up??? Once again POP the more...

15 years ago
I don't know about you, but I'm proud to be "far left"!

Hussain Obama will go down as the biggest spender in the history... wait a minute...he already is!!!! What do say about that POPPY? I know, your goi...

15 years ago
Consumer confidence plummets to new low in February

When are you going to start blaming Hussain Obama???????

15 years ago
Liberal Coalition Says Forget the Truth Commission, Bring on the Special Prosecu

Poppy Get over it and get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again you don't get it.

15 years ago
Tell the president what u think!

POP bottom line...if you don't answer questions, like, when are you going to start blaming Hussain Obama, then don't write any more dribble, cause no...

15 years ago
The GOP is Home Alone

POP are you for spending all this money on wothless programs that have nothing to do with stimulating anything other than Nancy Polosi's vagina??

15 years ago
Tell the president what u think!

Nicely done Chup. I would only add...... Hussain, when are you and POP going to stop blaming Bush?? :-

15 years ago
Stimulus signed, Wall Street tanks

As I said last week....Short the Dow and buy gold as long as Hussain Obama is in office Support term limits for our Congress

15 years ago
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots,

Right on Johnny B This POP guy must love to spend our money and give it away to all those that are able to work but do not. They are the ones who v...

15 years ago
black tuesday

You are by far the most negative person I have ever seen on a forum. Here is some advice. Do what I have done since Hussain Obama became elected....

15 years ago
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots,

You appear to be a very angry and disturbed person. 😡 You should be happy, you have all your spending Libs in office office and they will going in...

15 years ago
more and more layoffs

By the way, the company I own is hiring!

15 years ago
here is proof.......repigs repukes rethugs , nazais , faciast=bad and no good

Once again your total lack of economic intelligence is evident!!! .... and we all continue to laugh at you. Keep it up, the more you rant this dribb...

15 years ago
more and more layoffs

Yes, you are correct, the Dumacrates controlled the Congress for the last 2 years and your buddy Barney Frank was getting fudge packed byt the head of...

15 years ago
more and more layoffs

POP, let me ask you, are you laid off, since you have time to write this dribble all day. Also, the market is down because the market hates the Obama...

15 years ago
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