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Prominent Member
Topics: 123 / Replies: 524
Who do we like today?

In another thread, Right Angle has a pretty good write-up about the New Mexico - NC. St. game. Checking that one out some more.

22 years ago
SPEND that CSU game

Finally the REAL betting season is here. I had to listen to the Col St. game on ESPN-1000 and could barely get it in. What a finish ! A great start t...

22 years ago
Falcon Thursday

Is that the Col St. Rams or the St. Louis Rams?

22 years ago
Question for MC...

I'm thinking of going with a new username "Tammy Twinkle Shoes". What do ya' think !

22 years ago
Question for MC...

That's cool - thanks for the update. The site still kicks ass!

22 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 497
Anyone knows where....

I'm looking hard into JD's service but with that many handicappers being offered it's really hard to pick out just a couple of the really good ones to...

22 years ago
i just cant hit a total play

Like I said earlier in the year I can't bet for or agains't the cubs - they are so f&*kin unpredictable. One game they win in extra innings, next ...

22 years ago
Rating my NCAA football plays

Do you know how you did last year in the NCAA? I'm sure you kicked ass but I mean more along the lines of a winning percentage. I bet you just raked i...

22 years ago
boxer picks (sun) >>>

Any thoughts on the Col-Cubs game? I'm looking at an easy Col win, especially after getting embarassed last game.

22 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 376
boxer picks & 8* (tue) >>>

Sweet call on the 8* tonight - it's so nice to win a huge bet sooooooo easily ! Great call again Boxer !

22 years ago
Beer Drinking Thread >>>

Gotta bounce again tonight - last night uneventful except got taken home by a little hottie ! The people in the club must have thought I was crazy at...

22 years ago
DUMP bet boyz.(sat nite) >>>

You know me - I'm all over it! Actually, I'm taking what I won on your 10* last night with NYY and DUMPING it on this one. Thanks much Boxer !

22 years ago
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