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Topics: 123 / Replies: 524
BEER drinking contest (rated R)

I just got back home and I am LIT!!! I think I'm on about my 20th beer!! I won Boxer's dump bet, Florida, and Seattle. Mo money, mo money, mo money &...

22 years ago
capping games

If I like a game and Boxer likes it also, I go big on it. If I like a play and Boxer likes the other side, I still go big on Boxer's pick! It's pretty...

22 years ago
dump bet wagers

I played a couple of bills just because I'm a puss! I am up and I didn't want to have to pay him so i pussed out - at least I'm up big this week and ...

22 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 465
BEER drinking contest (rated R)

Number 6 - all my picks coming in nicely tonight . That dump was icing on the cake - I still am amazed over that pick - I never would have even LOO...

22 years ago
BEER drinking contest (rated R)

On number 5 now - I know, I skipped a couple beer posts. I'm just too excited about my dump (you know what I'm talking about) ! That was a bet I ...

22 years ago
BEER drinking contest (rated R)

That dump is looking sweet (the bet, not the one I left in the toilet )! Number 2 down, 3 on the way (the beers, not the dumps) <img border=&...

22 years ago
BEER drinking contest (rated R)

I guess I'm the first one tonight! Was my last one in the fridge - gotta go out and pick some up. Dump bet already 0-0 in the bottom of 2nd - keep it...

22 years ago
Anyone know who is pitching today in St. Louis vs. Anaheim?

Thanks Boxer. I finally got some time off today - I'm building my first house, so I haven't been around much. Last week was my first losing week, but ...

22 years ago
added game

What do you think about Montreal? They are playing great at home right now and Suppan blows on the road. Not that big of a line.

22 years ago
Thursday June 20 MLB contest

Hou -155 Oak -170 Mon -145

22 years ago

If we are gonna get f&*ked by someone, why did it have to be that turd Vaughn ?!?!

22 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 465
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