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Prominent Member
Topics: 123 / Replies: 524
Jump on the Pistons...

Yeah, I figured about the reg and post seasons, but Boston has shown a trend so far in these playoffs. In the Philly series, they were clearly the bet...

22 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 551
22 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 554
starting tomorrow charging for my plays

Everyone has got to be reading our posts and thinking we're loony! And if you ever do start charging, I'll be the first to give you my credit card ...

22 years ago
Tuesday Bases

Nice analysis, again! I wouldn't have even looked at that game just because of Traschel (knew him from his old Chicago days).

22 years ago
Well, thanks a whole bunch Boxer, you screwed me! !

Thanks for having a sense of humor! Yeah, I've been riding the wave(10* bets and dumps) along with all other plays you put out there. I just couldn't ...

22 years ago
yanks (10*) wins (11-1) now in dumps and 10* picks

Sweet call again, Boxer! Hey, don't sweat what the record is, it's all about how many units you win! <img border="0" title="" ...

22 years ago
OK wiseguys, who gave me the low rating?

Hey oopie, I just 5* ya, and now your back up. Some guys just are a-holes no matter what ya do for them!

22 years ago
you all ready foe anouther kick A$$ day

Let me see if I get any: Montreal, Minnesota, Anaheim those are ones I was looking at

22 years ago
to all riding my bets >>>

Wow, you really are hitting big-time if your getting posted other places! I actually did see reference to you at another site, but it was just talking...

22 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 549
10-1 for the day

The best night record-wise I've ever had, 8-0! Thank you much, Boxer, for the four MLB games (Texas, Cle, Rsox, and Cubs) and for convincing me of the...

22 years ago
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