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Topics: 16 / Replies: 90
STREPT throat (help)-->

Boxer, gargle salt-water with lemon, usually works for me; also, get some of that alka-seltzer flue shit, works great, prob put you to sleep; lastly, ...

22 years ago
boxer picks (thu)>>>

If that is the case, MLB needs to mediate and solve this shit...CFL can stay where they are at! Sorry to hear about Irish; I have no idea who he is, b...

22 years ago
boxer picks (thu)>>>

Nice night so far, Boxer...Rube and I are glad to be back in the saddle after the break; looks like we only have a couple of more weeks of wagering on...

22 years ago
boxer picks (fri)>>>

Boxer-let's pick up the pieces from yesterday and kick the book's ass tonight! Great record on the dumps, Rube and I have a nickel on it. Good luck, d...

22 years ago
beer drinking contest (4th of july)

Boxer, on #9 for night, early too....maybe room for 12+. General

22 years ago
HEY!!! Happy 4th of July To Everyone!!!

Happy 4th to ALL-just back in from Atlanta with inlaws, popped first brew, cranking up the grill here shortly! It is 6:45, and fuc!ing 92deg in Greenv...

22 years ago
2 out 2 run homer

Boxer-did not get that call into the bookie in time; guess that is a good thing! Let's roll and pick it back up with tonight's plays! General

22 years ago
Thanks Boxer!!

Second that, Rube; Boxer, great call on the games last night..when I went to bed, Oakland was puking, but pulled it through!! (thank goodness, the boo...

22 years ago
Anything today boxer?

Gilbert, evidently he does not have anything yet. General

22 years ago
new member

Although rube and I are from the south, where most of the world thinks we drive pickups around town with rebel flags and marry our cousins, the stigma...

22 years ago
tomorrow i bet large

good call on the over in COL, won me some $$$; up until wife makes me goto bed......

22 years ago
tomorrow i bet large

word, Boxer.....we will prevail over the bookies....on #14 for the night. General.

22 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 418
new member

MC-thanks for the reply-it is not as hell down here, approaching 90+, about 1:20, and just about time to down some brew; kids are at pool, so the frid...

22 years ago
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