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Topics: 21 / Replies: 161
CPAC=Crazy People Are Coming

I know I feel good about it. The market's doing gre.....oh, no it's not. The military looks stron....oh, no it's not. There are no criminals in gov...

15 years ago
u had your chance ....we the people are very tired... seen enough

Ya know Pop?...I agree with you. The republicans are getting what we deserve. We had our chance with the congress and the presidency and we screwed ...

15 years ago
Why I love the depression

To a minor degree, I agree with your argument about the war. I agree only to the extent that it is taking too long and we're pussyfooting. When I lo...

15 years ago
Why I love the depression

At least we were fighting them over there. Now they'll be coming here.

15 years ago
Why I love the depression

Democrats are idiots. Going about this all wrong. But its your party now. We repubs can just sit back and enjoy as you totally destroy everything t...

15 years ago
Why I love the depression

i agree. plenty of change...and that's about all you'll have in your pocket.

15 years ago
President Obama Announces Iraq Troop Withdrawal

"Obumma announces defeat of U.S. forces in Iraq." Bet the troops at Bragg were happy about that. Good thing he had plenty of Secret Service with him...

15 years ago
Why I love the depression

Only 3 types of Obumma voters...African Americans (required), those under 25 yrs. old (most young-uns are democrats until they experience the real wor...

15 years ago

Sometimes I really crack me up.

15 years ago

Go to my documents, hit the tab key, press "P" for play, then add, then type in "I'm an idiot" and then stick your head in a toilet. That ought to wo...

15 years ago
Mr. Jindal's Neighborhood

More hot conservatives. That's what this country needs...Sarah, Laura, Michelle (Malkin)...more like them.

15 years ago
Mr. Jindal's Neighborhood

LOVE SARAH!! She's gonna be the only president in U.S. history that I'd like to see naked.

15 years ago
Mr. Jindal's Neighborhood

I agree I need help. We all are gonna need help after this Obumma fool gets finished with us.

15 years ago
No Pork?? LOL

That's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. And now the budget which, if we took ALL the money from everyone who makes over $250K, not just taxes,...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 723
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