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Topics: 24 / Replies: 147
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

Heap deep. Apparently Balt thinks it can go deep all night as they contimue to air it out every drive. Finally a connection to Todd heap to put the Ra...

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

another short posession for Baltimore. This defense will be logging lots of minutes tonight. If I were Washing ton i would keep running Portis as succ...

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

You can see the Skins gaining confidence. Baltimore must keep the ball and demoralize them. Instead they are playing vanilla offense and going three a...

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

This drive and the last one by the Ravens make me afraid for the total going over. Two runs into the center of the line and then a Hail Mary pass. Jus...

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

Ravens looking to make Washington one dimensional by taking away the run. Good plan , this is the first drive that Campbell looks even remotely like a...

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

I think this is going to count!!!!! OOOO no on replay though Portis is down but Referees can screw it up!!!!! and they did!!! TD Ravens

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

I think this is going to count!!!!! OOOO no on replay though Portis is down but Referees can screw it up!!!!!

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

Flacco showed toughness there on the scramble. Not sliding to try for the First

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

The 'Skins as expected look horrible. As long as Baltimore can keep possesion this will be an easy cover on the side. The issue is whether or no tthey...

16 years ago
Sunday Night Football Wash vs. Bal. In-Game Thread

BETTING AT 5DIMES Balt -7 +105 straight Over 34.5 Parlayed w/ the side

16 years ago
BCS Playoff Proposal

OK I agree a playoff is the way to go but 16 teams and 4 games more is untenable. I think you need to cut the number in half. In the top half of your ...

16 years ago
BCS favors OU over Texas

We were talking about this today. If OK loses, USC might get the bid cuz BCS won't send a Texas team that didn't win it's Conference to the title game...

16 years ago
16 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 929
navy 2nd half (DJ)

Out walking means you missed the 8th race at Mountaineer I am sure so to help you out

16 years ago
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