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Topics: 17 / Replies: 126
Makers MLB

Sunday Moyer has terrorized the Fish over the past 4 years life time 13-2...tough going against those stats...I am however keeping an eye on this one...

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Sunday Moyer has terrorized the Fish over the past 4 years life time 13-2...tough going against those stats...I am however keeping an eye on this one...

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Thursday Once again rushed for time... Washington scoring 5.6 RPG last 11...well above their season average 4.5 7 of 9 over when these two square o...

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Little time for a write up today but Penny's near .300 BAA when traveling is the opposite of the home loving Price..2.67 ERA... Rays -130

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Rays -110

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Tuesday The Boston offense has been awesome over the past 10.. but looking a bit deeper you'll find the 7+ RPG came against two of the bottom 5 A.L. ...

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Sunday Under normal circumstances the weak hitting A's would be made to order for a pitcher with a near .300 BAA (road) ..however looking over the A'...

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Sunday Under normal circumstances the weak hitting A's would be made to order for a pitcher with a near .300 BAA (road) ..however looking over the A'...

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Little entertainment while waiting for bases... Saratoga Race 1 DD Race1..... #2/10 Race 2......#9

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Milwaukee/San Diego Brewers problems of late stem not from the offense (.283 last 7) but the inability to stop the opposition...7+ RPG... While the P...

15 years ago
2 Quick MLB Questions from a Newbie

Pitching form may also be of help..

15 years ago
2 Quick MLB Questions from a Newbie

When someone says they're 128-99 for +3,126 units in the MLB this year, what does the unit part mean? Say I bet $5 on each one of their plays, and $5 ...

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Thursday Chisox problems of late, losing 5 of 6 can be attributed to the 3.1 RPG last 10...only San Francisco has fared worse...Previouslly we discus...

15 years ago
Makers MLB

Rays/Chisox total.... Rays tied for second in MLB at 5.4 RPG...while Chisox have surpassed this number 7 of 9..averaging a season high 6.5 over past ...

15 years ago
Best Baseball Handicappers (Tipsters)

??? can anyone on this forum point me to a site that maintains and posts MLB Bullpen Team rankings? Who is strongest, to weakest etc. Any help would...

15 years ago
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