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Topics: 1399 / Replies: 6211

Units = Dollars So using $100 as a unit you're looking at +$680 or -$2290

5 years ago
The Golf Savant's plays

That's ironic, I am the savant of cheeseburgers and pizza. Welcome to the site.

5 years ago
Mobile Browser Issue

How are we doing with this? Better or no?

5 years ago
Mobile Browser Issue

Can anyone tell me how long this has been going on? A week, a month, all summer? It would be helpful to know when this started.

5 years ago
Mobile Browser Issue

I'm working on getting this corrected asap. What Tom sent me, should not be happening for any users, we agree there. But you're gonna have to be patie...

5 years ago
Shazman ..where are you????

He's fine. He's out enjoying the games. I talked to him earlier. Totally fine.

5 years ago
data loading problem

The first thing you are doing wrong is not telling anyone. It's impossible to know if things aren't working if we don't know about them. So, moving fo...

5 years ago
Mobile Browser Issue

It's far more complicated of a discussion on how all this happens then can be explained here Tom. Costs always go up but revenue streams constantly ch...

5 years ago
Mobile Browser Issue

Send me what you are seeing too and I'll have someone look. But I'm not having the same issue so if I can't replicate it I don't understand I guess wh...

5 years ago
Mobile Browser Issue

I'm not mad dude, I get it. It is annoying, we don't disagree there but I don't know what the alternative is. Google actually provides a malware re...

5 years ago
Mobile Browser Issue

1) There is no malware here period. If you see any you should report it immediately because I take that shit super seriously. 2) I use safari for iph...

5 years ago

Sorry you're having a bad experience Strakey but I use the site on my phone all the time and it's not an issue for me. The reality of the situation...

5 years ago
Shaz check your email.

Haha, you guys found me. I'm ok more or less. Been better for sure but hanging in there and just trying to keep to myself. It's been a rough go fo...

5 years ago
Shaz check your email.

Check your junk, spam, whatever. I have info for you. I have sent u two emails you need to read.

5 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 945
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