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Topics: 1399 / Replies: 6211
Carolina Wise Guy Is Back 21-2 Last 23 Picks. NFL Guaranteed Lock Pick 1/29

Those dogs were amazing though. I'd do it again in a second and just wear pants I don't care about.

7 years ago
Carolina Wise Guy Is Back 21-2 Last 23 Picks. NFL Guaranteed Lock Pick 1/29

Funny you should mention that. I almost shit my pants on Sunday. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to eat 5 chili cheese dogs a hour a way ...

7 years ago
Carolina Wise Guy Is Back 21-2 Last 23 Picks. NFL Guaranteed Lock Pick 1/29

If I started getting rid of people just because they irritated me there might not be any posters left. Just kidding. Sort of. The labels are genera...

7 years ago
Carolina Wise Guy Is Back 21-2 Last 23 Picks. NFL Guaranteed Lock Pick 1/29

I'm sorry, I'm really trying to less confrontational in the new year but these guys are right, teasing shit 10 points is dumb as fuck. If you are ...

7 years ago
NBA and college rejuvenated tTom

Tough break on that Kentucky game I don't know what the hell happened there. They just shit the bed down the stretch. Thanks for the post, who do y...

7 years ago

How come you always end up on a 14-3 run on your first post back after not posting for 6 days in a row? 😆 😆 😆

7 years ago
Pick Wiz Plays 1/27

Ha. Just make sure you stay off candid camera. I was watching Shameless and that piece of shit Frank housed his daugthers piss in his mouth and sp...

7 years ago
Pick Wiz Plays 1/27

How's probation coming champ?

7 years ago
2017 NASCAR Changes

Good point, lets make the races 30 laps then and fuck all this math. If I wanted to do algebra I'd go to college not watch racing.

7 years ago
2017 NASCAR Changes

I don't know man, throwing 2 cautions intentionally every race seems stupid as fuck to me. If anything people are pissed about all this goofy shit and...

7 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 2241
NFL / NBA .. Timmy learns no lessons

If Bell was the reason the Steelers lost and he was hurt on the first drive them why did you continue to bet on Pittsburgh in the second half, Tim?

7 years ago
hey strakey am glad some guys saw the exact game i did hou/ne

You never know, Ben could still rape someone before tomorrow.

8 years ago
hey strakey am glad some guys saw the exact game i did hou/ne

It's really not worth arguing about to be honest because the numbers are the numbers. They covered 14 games this year, most of them by double digits a...

8 years ago
hey strakey am glad some guys saw the exact game i did hou/ne

Oh, Timmy. You crack me up buddy. How many times this year did you get burned by the Pats? Did you win a single bet this season playing against the...

8 years ago
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