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Reputable Member
Topics: 7 / Replies: 239
something good to read

Josh...relax. You made excellent points and voiced the opinion shared by many. However, you have to also realise that he is now a cash seeking tout ...

22 years ago
well guys

Might as well chime in as my opinion is as worthless as all the rest. Constructive criticism is a two way street. You came here and made some very v...

22 years ago

No need to gloss yourself. It will rapidly become apparent if you are credible. However, it is great to see some new contributions. I sincerely wis...

22 years ago
Boxer, His Picks and The Threads About All This...

MC can appreciate your awkward position but you are maintaining the correct course as the integrity of the board must be maintained. It would be unde...

22 years ago
Oh great!!!

Think you missed the point completely or else preferred not to get it. The disappointment is a result of the high regard in which you were held. Hop...

22 years ago
Oh great!!!

Disappointing....not the first and wont be the last

22 years ago
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