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Free NFL, NCAAF & MLB Premium Service Plays For Saturday 10/5/19

BezoBets or Stanford Steve anywhere to be found? Thanks for killing another Saturday to help the rest of us peons out again.

5 years ago
Free NFL, NCAAF & MLB Premium Service Plays For Saturday 9/14/19

Check local creeks and wooded areas for a body...send an APB out for SHAZMAN!

5 years ago
Free NFL, NCAAF & MLB Premium Service Plays For Saturday 9/7/19

I realize you're slammed getting out this info and have access to the same cappers each day, but any chance of digging up some TEXAS SPORTSWIRE? Thank...

5 years ago
Newsletters For 9/4/19 thru 9/10/19

Shzman and RWM1947, thank you for providing all this info. If it's not too much trouble, would it be possible to dig up KILLER SPORTS? Thanks again so...

5 years ago
+$5,747 this season - MLB COMPUTER PREDICTIONS

This guy has all day to make corrections to his post before game time and doesn't, why is that? Well Greg, maybe he doesn't have time to make the c...

5 years ago
Free NCAAB, NHL & NBA Premium Service Plays For Monday 3/4/19

Listing the current ATS records of the cappers is a nice touch. I like to go with who is hot. Thanks so much.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Free NCAAB, NHL & NBA Premium Service Plays For Saturday 3/2/19

There's a 'capper called Action...(the rest of his name escapes me at the moment). He's been on fire. Any chance of digging that one up today? Thanks ...

5 years ago
Free NCAAB, NFL & NBA Premium Service Plays For Saturday 2/2/19

Thanks for digging up the Texas Sports Wire

5 years ago
Free NCAAB, NFL & NBA Premium Service Plays For Saturday 1/19/19

Hey Shazman, I know your reply to others is, "If I see it I'll post it", but I don't know if you have limited access to certain cappers or you just po...

5 years ago
Free NCAAB, NFL & NBA Premium Service Plays For Friday 1/18/19

I try to rarely interject any comments on here so as to keep it flowing smoothly and out of respect to Shazman, MCash, and all the followers, but it's...

5 years ago
Free NCAAFB, NFL & NBA Premium Service Plays For Thursday 12/27/18

MCash makes an excellent observation, but in JM's defense, they have been tearing it up lately.

6 years ago
Free NCAAFB, NFL & NBA Premium Service Plays For Saturday 11/17/18

Absolutely love the fact you list the NEWSLETTER results and selections...that's a HUGE help! I know hat's a ton of work.time on your part...thanks ag...

6 years ago
Newsletters For 10/23/18 thur 10/29/18

Hey Shaz, no luck locating KILLER this week? Thanks so much for your time dedication for ALL of this.

6 years ago
Newsletters For 10/23/18 thur 10/29/18

Hoping for KILLER as's my heroin.

6 years ago
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