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Picks: Free Premium Service Plays for Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

Phenomenal job you're doing BH...very much appreciated. Great job getting all the extra touts and 'cappers. Any chance you can dig up TEXAS SPORTSWIRE...

7 years ago
Free Picks: Free Premium Service Plays for Wednesday, November 29th, 2017

I've been off the site for close to a month, so what happened with Blade? I like it when you include the 'cappers W/L records...nice touch. We're a...

7 years ago
Free Picks: Free Premium Service Plays for Saturday, October 7th, 2017

I hate asking you for help when all you do is work your butt off, but any chance of dusting off the garden shovel and digging up some Texas Sportswire...

7 years ago
Free Picks: Free Premium Service Plays for Saturday, September 30th, 2017

Thanks again for everything Blade. Any luck catching TEXAS SPORTSWIRE?

7 years ago
Week 5 Football Newsletters

I normally stay away from posting because I do appreciate all you do for us Blade, and continuous posting does interrupt the genius at work, but after...

7 years ago
Week 5 Football Newsletters

Blade, the genius at work, always posts "Killer Sports" on Fridays. So hang on a few more hours mate.

7 years ago
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