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Topics: 10 / Replies: 242
Applause to D Trump

But what about all the change Kaepernick made by kneeling during the anthem??? LOL :dry:

8 years ago
Applause to D Trump

Can't disagree with any of that. Hillary had all of her handshakes done a year ago figuring she was a shoe in for the office. At least now people wi...

8 years ago
Bills Tomorrow?

Certainly has my antenna up with the raiders a public team and only giving 3. I'm sure if we wait we'll get 4 or more tomorrow though

8 years ago
Pro Play for thurs. 12/1

Good call Tmmy, was with you all the way. That line stunk to high hell.

8 years ago
Does any 1 know how mike is doing, and if he is ok

Last time I hurt my back i was down for a little over a week. Chiropractor once a day still couldn't touch it. Finally I went to the doc and they sa...

8 years ago
just got in hey mike shark what's pickwiz

Not saying you didn't make the bets, but the picture you are showing doesn't prove you bet anything. It just proves that you put these wagers in your...

8 years ago
Live Game Simulator

Not sure what the original post was but the edit made me spit coffee on my keyboard.

8 years ago
2nd set

With ya on TB and like the overs in the Car and NYJ games too. Good luck Timmy

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 636
ohio st/mich game

Thanks Sharkey. I think the part that is tricky is they would lhave to win two games as underdogs most likely so I'll have to pay a premium to take th...

8 years ago
ohio st/mich game

That's quite the combination you crazy bastard. A bloody sounds pretty good this morning but have to head to work in an hour or so. The refs didn'...

8 years ago
ohio st/mich game

I've also had a couple White Russians and now switched to Busch light for the rest of the night. By the way, have 200-1 on Wisconsin to win it all. Ma...

8 years ago
Sat Cfb

Thanks for the tip Timmy. I followed on your overs for the second set, which turned out ahead. I like a few late plays to go with Utah st that I alrea...

8 years ago
ohio st/mich game

Getting there but it's on Spotted Cow, try it if you haven't, it's delicious. Next time I'll be worried about a loss will be BAma in the finals.

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 511
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